New Friends?

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**Emily is out of the hospital and they're at Bryan and Johnnie's house/apartment thingy**

*Johnnie's POV*

It's been two weeks since Em got out of the hospital. She's been staying at mine and Bryan's place since then. She has been doing well since the whole hospital thing but they put her on some medication to help with her depression. We've mostly laid around and watched movies, played video games, and listened to music. One day we went to the mall and got new clothes and just goofed around. Today Kyle David Hall and Alex Dorame are flying in to hang out with us. I really hope she likes them. I really think her and Alex will get along because they like most of the same stuff.

Emily is asleep in my room and I'm going to wake her up. Bryan made us all breakfast. Kyle and Alex should be here around 2 or 3 and we'll pick them up from the airport.

*Emily's POV*

I wake up to Johnnie poking my face. He said Bryan cooked breakfast and to come and get some. I get up, brush my hair, put on some black American flag jeans, with the new Attila shirt from Hot Topic. I went into the kitchen to get some food because man was I hungry. eating hospital food for a while was disgusting. I sit down at the counter with Bryan and Johnnie after fixing myself a plate of pancakes.

"So, Emily um today we have some friends flying in and we want you to meet them." Johnnie says.

"Sure! Who are they?" I tell him.

Before Johnnie can say anything Bryan starts going on and on about Kyle and Alex and how they'll be staying for a few weeks.

"We think you'll really like them both!" he says hopefully.

"Well it will be nice having another girl around. Not that you guys aren't great it's just I need another girl around. Ya know someone I can do makeup and hair with. Someone who I can paint nails and fan girl with." I told them both.

"Um Emily you just described Johnnie perfectly." Bryan said laughing.

I started laughing uncontrollably and Johnnie threw a pillow off the couch at Bryan.

(A/N): hey guys sorry I haven't updated in forever but this is just a little update. I wanted the the part where they meet Alex and Kyle to be a whole different chapter and I'm starting on that right away. I feel like it's gonna be kinda long so I'm making it a whole different chapter. anywhore thanks for reading. I love you thugpugs :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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