Maybe I'm Better Off Dead

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***Johnnie's POV***

"Johnnie what the hell are you and Emily doing at 5 in the morning?!" Bryan whisper yelled.

I started crying even more at the mention of her name.

"Johnnie why are you crying?!" Bryan said concerned.

"J-Just come d-down to the....the beach." I told him.

"okay? I'm not sure what's going on but I'll be there as soon as I can."

"okay thank you Bryan." I said.

I hit end on the call and started to cry. What if she doesn't make it. I know I just started dating her but I've liked her for so long. She's one of the reasons I have a shit ton of money invested in Hot Topic. I would go in there just to see her then feel awkward for not buying anything. So I'd pick up some random thing and buy it. I finally worked up the courage to ask her out then I fuck it up and no she could be gone. I know I love her so much.

---magical time fast forward---

I explained everything to Bryan while he drove me back to the hospital where we waited. We were there for a few hours when a doctor came out and told us she was awake but very weak. He informed us that we could go see her but we had to be kind of quiet. He lead us to her room and we walked in. I was doing everything I could to not breakdown. I sat in the chair closest to her bed and Bryan sat at a chair that was at the end of her bed.

"Hey Em" I whispered taking her hand.

"Hey J-Johnnie." she replied in a hushed tone.

"Oh and uh hey to you too Bryan" she said weakly.

"Oh hey Emily." he answered.

I really didn't know what to say. I didn't want to ask her about it because she might freak out. At the same time I don't want to just let it go like it was no big deal. I also don't want to be like "how are you feeling?" because I mean she's probably not feeling her best. While thinking to myself she interrupted by speaking.

"Um....Johnnie...??" she asked.

"Yeah???" I questioned.

" like come like over here?" she said patting the spot on the bed next to her.

"Oh sure" I happily said getting on the bed.

Once I got comfortable she kind of just snuggled up beside me. I wrapped my arms around her. She was silent for a bit before she spoke again.

"Johnnie how'd you find me?"

"Um well I was eating and then went to use the bathroom. Then I heard something. Then I saw you because you hadn't shut the door all the way. And...." I trailed off not wanting to finish the sentence.

She started to sniffle a little and hugged me really tight. I hugged her back and stroked her hair.

"T-thank you Johnnie." she said through her tears.

"I love you too much to lose you. Please don't do it anymore. It'll be okay you have me now. And you have some amazing friends who also love you bunches." I replied kissing the top of her head.

"Did you ever hear anyone say how long I was gonna be here?" she asked.

Sometime Bryan must've got up and left because the he just came back in.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything but I just talked to a doctor and he gave me some info on our little Em here" he said.

"Ooh do tell then!" I said.

"She'll be here for a week and a half under suicide watch and we'll be able to visit everyday." he said happily.

"ooh can you bring my xbox next time because I'll be bored if you don't lawlz" Emily said making us laugh.

At least she's seeming to be better. I really hope she'll be okay. I love her and don't want to lose her.

A/N: OMG I AM SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT FOR THE UPDATE BUT I WANTED IT TO BE REALLY GOOD!!❤️❤️❤️ Anywhore um recently I've been getting lots of votes/reads/comments and I just wanted to tell you that every time I read one it makes me smile like an idiot and be really happy. I appreciate it so much. you guys are awesome and I love you so much!!! <3 :) PEACE OUT THUGPUGS✌️❤️🐶

Hot Topic (A Johnnie Guilbert Fan-Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon