Chapter 18: To Be In Love

Start from the beginning

"I love you, Kotori... "

Those four words shocked Kotori immensely. Stunned, the ash-haired girl opened her mouth to speak but didn't get to as a pair of lips came crashing to her's. Umi pulled back once more and rested her head on the other girl's shoulder.

"I love you..." She repeated.

"I love you so much..." And again.

"I love you..." And again.

Suddenly it became quiet. Kotori thought Umi had fallen asleep but then suddenly, the blue-haired girl moved her hips up and down onto Kotori's wet pussy. This made the ash-haired girl moan loudly. Umi looked up and kissed Kotori once more before starting to remove her clothing. Removing her vest, Umi then started removing her tie, but then stopped as Kotori removed it for her.

The girl sitting on top of Umi decided to remove the blue-haired girl's clothing instead. Slowly, she started unbuttoning Umi's dress shirt before throwing it to the side. Kotori looked at Umi's abs hungrily and unconsciously licked her lips. The blue-haired girl saw this and smirked.

"Like what you see?" She teased before capturing Kotori's lips once more. Kotori only nodded into the kiss as an answer.

As they started making out once more, Umi leaned back slowly to lay down, pulling the girl on top of her along too. The blue-haired girl then felt Kotori's hand trailing down from her abdomen to her hips. The ash-haired girl then moved her hand to Umi's pants and unbuttoned it. Umi made little to no effort taking it off, leaving her with only her bra and boxers on.

The blue-haired girl then spun the both of them around, with her on top of Kotori instead. Umi smiled down happily at her like she was the most important artifact in the entire world. She leaned into kiss the girl, but this time, it was the most sweetest, gentlest, and loving kiss Kotori has ever felt. It almost made Kotori cry, after all, no one had ever given her so much love.

When she woke up from that wretched hospital, all the people around her gave her their pity and sympathy. Even her own mother. It was only Maki that didn't treat her differently, but Umi... she was giving her more than Maki could ever give.

Why? Kotori thought. Why is it that from all the people Umi could choose from, she chooses a strange girl with amnesia. A popular girl with a lot of fans that swoons over her and yet she chooses Kotori. Kotori doesn't understand it. Kotori doesn't understand it at all.

"Wai- Stop!" Kotori yelled while pushing Umi by her shoulders. The blue-haired girl looked confused and concerned. Kotori took a deep breath before explaining. "I... I don't want to this with someone I don't love... it makes me feel like I'm using you." Kotori stuttered out.

"You... you don't love me?" Umi looked like she was about to cry right then and there. The ash-haired girl panicked, but she thought about Umi's question seriously. Did she love Umi? She doesn't know. Why is it that she let Umi kiss her then? Why did she let her reach that point; with both of them naked and clinging onto one another? Kotori doesn't know... but maybe... just maybe, the Kotori from the past does.


 "Hello there?" The small ash-haired girl said, but it seemed more like a question than a statement. This made the other girl, who was crying, look up. The other girl had beautiful blue hair and dashing brown eyes. But those eyes looked alarmed and frightened at the sight of the other girl.

"Wha!" The blue-haired girl yelped and fell to her back. The ash-haired girl jumped back a bit before leaning over the person in front of her with a concerned expression.

"Are you okay?!" She inquired panickily.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine, uhm..."

"Oh, I'm Kotori! Minami Kotori!"

Kotori smiled gently -with a hint of worriedly- at the girl sitting on the floor. The ash-haired girl immediately realizes this and offered her a hand. The other girl accepted it, albeit it was hesitant.

"Do you mind if I ask why you're crying here?" Kotori questioned cutely after she pulled the other girl up. They were at the playground, near the swings where a small wall was implanted in. Kotori had just moved to that neighborhood when she decided to look around, not expecting to see a small girl crying behind the wall.

"Umi. My name is Sonoda Umi and I was crying because... it's actually quite complicated..." She said almost inaudibly, scratching her hair nervously too. But thankfully Kotori heard it.

"Okay, I understand!" Kotori hummed understandingly, she knew not to pry into others personal lives when they felt uncomfortable talking about it. Umi smiled gratefully back at her. The two continue to stare at each in silence until Kotori broke it.

"So... Umi-chan!" She enthused, making the blue-haired girl startled at the sudden informality. But nevertheless, she nodded attentively. Kotori grinned at her before sticking her hand out. Umi looked at the hand then at Kotori's eyes. Happiness, affection, and care was evident in her round, shiny, hazel orbs.

Umi was shocked to see this, never in her whole entire life has anyone gave this expression to her. It was always hatred, disgusted, and angry eyes that she gets.... from her father, and empathy or sympathy from others.

"Shall we be friends?" Kotori asked sincerely. Umi stared at her in bewilderment, before smiling happily. She took the girl's hand and nodded.



 "Ack!" Kotori clutched her head painfully as the memories came flowing into her head. Umi, who was on top of her, looked at her worriedly.

"Kotori! Are you okay!?" She asked, distressed at the whole situation. Kotori couldn't seem to answer as the memories started overflowing her mind. Umi gently caressed the girl's shoulder comfortingly, this somehow made Kotori calm down a bit. She heaved out a breath before slowly succumbing to the feeling of Umi being near her.

"Shh, Shh... it's okay..."

Umi slowly and carefully laid next to Kotori. She hugged the ash-haired girl protectively, Kotori couldn't talk as she fears that the pain would come back. Suddenly, Kotori felt Umi caressing her head affectionately, then the blue-haired girl started humming to a song that sounded all too familiar to Kotori.

The ash-haired girl didn't know when it happened but apparently, she had started crying and whimpering into Umi's chest. The said girl seemed to notice this as she started whispering comforting and loving words to her.

"Shh... it's going to be okay... I'm here... and I promise to never leave you ever again... "

The two girls cuddled into each other's warmth and slowly falling asleep, not caring for what is in store for them the next day.

Sorry, Maki... it seems that I couldn't fulfill your promise... maybe... maybe next... time...


"To be in love is to succumb into each other's warmth. To smile at them like they're the most precious artifact in the entire world. To hug them protectively from others. To open your arms for them and only them. To be in love means a lot of things, but the most important fact is that you will always, always, be there for them no matter what..."

From my Grandmother.

These words she told me inspired me so much, and I hope to visit her back in my hometown soon!

See you guys later, ciao!

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