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 How that I always finish the section with this tragedy or cursing myself or my destiny? It's stronger than me. I have to concentrate on something else. I could write about my friends and their lives, at least what happened until the time when we were together. I could write about memories.

 Rose: She was born in a family made of her parents, an older sister Orange and her. Like most girls, she liked to play with dolls and make clothes for them. She was fascinated by the fact that Barbies were always well dressed, so she wanted that she would buy such clothes one day. She is the biggest child of us, she actually never grew up. In spite of her childish behavior, she knew to be very responsible when the situation demanded. She would never be frivolous with extreme sports because she knew that they could be dangerous and that any mistake could be fatal. Her best friend was Blue, because the two of them had a common childish side. Together they made us laugh and maintained a cheerful spirit in the team. It was necessary for me, because in the beginning I was often down ... I wish they were here right now.

 Rose loved her family, and especially her sister, was barely waiting for the holidays to see her at least for a few days. She often said in a joke that it would be great if Blue's brother was older so her sister can marry him. However, the difference was too big for them (five years, I don't think that is much). Sometimes Orange would spend time with us.

 Although she was two years older than Rose, both of them had pretty much the same characteristics. On one occasion we were on a race track and she beat us all! Although she was always welcome to our team and could join us, she was more attracted to medicine which she later choose as profession. Rose finished designer school, clothes are her passion. She would spend hours in shopping in search of what she intended.

 For holidays, her gift would usually be clothes in our styles or accessories, from these gifts only "Motorbike"shirt with a image of motorbike in flame is packed with my stuff, although I doubt I could wear it now ... Extreme sports kept me fit, it seems to me that I've gained weight since lying in this bed. I don't eat as much as before, but this laying ruined me. As for other Rose's gifts, they are probably in the apartment ... if this apartment is not sold. Oh, if somebody told me what's going on there! I'm sick of speculation, I want the right information!

 No, remember. Black, you are now writing about them and not about yourself.

 Blue: She was born as the first child, and then she gets brother after three years. She lived near the sea when she was a child so she loved water. She called the water,,a blue lord "and loved it more than land. Basically gentle and shy, inside seductive as siren. A person who is able to transform to unrecognizable. She fascinated me. She has a dose of mystery in her, just like me, except that I have never been childish. (sigh) Damn it. I should be. Blue's hobby was always connected with water- it would have been surfing, swimming or diving... Unlike Rose, who mostly had a fashion-inspired room, Blue had toys and lovely things like shells, pebbles... I keep the teddy bear she gave me, that's all that was in a bag of her presents.

 Green: Regardless of what it looks like we are heaven and earth, Green and I have had a great relationship. She calmed us when something went wrong and that saved our lives several times. Actually, it seems to me that she most tried to persuade us away from driving that day ... She must have had some kind of feeling. During the action, she would be like the rest of us - sometimes it would look like the adrenaline affects her the least, but it was seen in her eyes that it was not so. Her apartment, with pillows instead of chairs, full of oriental decorations, embraced with the scent of fragrant sticks, presented an oasis of peace in which we were always welcomed.

 On holidays she would make us her handicrafts, which included various oriental ornaments, jewelry and so on. Speaking about her gift, the bracelet with my engraved name remained and it is currently on my wrist.

 Her childhood was not complete, since she lost her father in the war early, and because of that she wanted peace on the world. She grew up with her mother and grandmother, the famous prophet in her place, who taught her secrets of magic. She told me that she once called her father's spirit only to tell him once more how much she loves him, but she didn't success. It touched me very much.

 I was very sorry that the fate didn't make sure that Green was happy with both of her parents. I couldn't be happy with my parents, so at that moment I felt as if my parents couldn't be so bad... Yes, they turned out to be awful. Only the monsters would leave a daughter in one room without windows, occupations, all things except the bags with things that were first to catch...

 White: Outside stone, inside the cotton. It took time to get to know her, but we were all glad to have her as a friend. Born at midnight, on New Year's Eve, the "Snow Ninja" (as we called her) was the youngest of five children. During the time of high school she became independent and came to a neighborhood where we all lived later. There she meets Goldy with whom she is friends till Goldy's move. As she says, her family has long since emigrated from Japan, but martial arts have remained a tradition. The pink hair was accidental- she wanted to get more intense brown hair, however, the hairdresser replaced her request with the request of a customer next to her and dyed her hair in pink. White was shocked by the scene, but positive comments influenced her not to change her hair color. She says that in high school that was the craziest thing she did. At first glance, her hair is incompatible with her features.

 She is not childish like Rose and Blue but she's pretty witty. She even likes black humor, which she says can be interesting when used at the right time. Why not, I like black humor. It was our mutual characteristic that we both laughed less than others. We were not sad or something, but we both used to hide emotions. She is skilled in concealing emotions, she is so skilled that we didn't even know she had been in love with Ling for years. I reacted stupidly when I heard of her engagement, I was still thinking about events from morning of that day.

 She also had her dark side at first - she would often sit alone, was very unhappy with her body, her diet changed ... I assumed she could get into the problem that my mother attributed to me. Other girls also noticed that White is rapidly losing her weight and we have given her the support to fight in time, before it becomes serious. Luckily, she returned to normal ... although she continued to drink green tea every day. She had bony structure anyway since when we met her, there was no reason to worry, but we kept eyes on her just like they kept their on me. So, depression, eating disorder... wasn't everything perfect at first. I hope that White's problem won't return as my depression returned. Another of us could have been caught up in the problem if extreme sports didn't pull her out- Red.

 The only child just like me but, unlike me, very bond to parents. Fire in human form.Wanted to try and experience everything. She began to play guitar at age thirteen, and she didn't sing often despite having a pleasant voice.

 After parents stopped talking to her, she found her consolation in the opiates she bought in the night,so no one of us knew it. It lasted for about a month and then she made the pact with herself to stop. Given that her determination was strong, she withdrew from drugs and continued to do extreme sports.

 I connected Red's and White's present: White was usually giving practical things (even in her apartment everything seemed classical and practical, as if it belonged to an elderly person rather than a girl), so I have a pocket book from her; inside of a pocketbook... was a song. The most important gift from Red. Song she sang when I was in a hospital bed,  with a bandage on my wrist,  without the will to live. That day when I got the best friends who were always with me. The song that meant the beginning of the most beautiful part of my life. The song I will never hear again.

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