The Ocean is Six Miles Deep

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Sent: IDK lmao some kid on the basketball team sent it to me

From Muffin 😸: I-

From Muffin 😸:Best thing I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A TINY KITTTYYYYY AWWWWW

Sent: Cutest thing ever right??? 

From Muffin 😸:Thank you for making my day Tyler James 


Sent: What?? whats wrong???

From Muffin 😸:NOthing,,,,,, but Nala is going to have puppies!!!!!!

Sent: OH,...mygod....

From Muffin 😸: IKNOW RIGHT

Sent: uhh they're mine now sry not sry

From Muffin 😸:ybflhbdsonsj don't worry we'll have our own puppies someday,, my parents already have people who want them 😭

Sent: That's the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire life 

Sent: what type of puppies do you want ill get you some for our future home

From Muffin 😸: YES our future home must have at LEAST 30 puppies at all times


Sent: hahaha i'll try my best 

Sent: Ok Cy i really gotta gooo but i'll see you tomorrow?

From Muffin 😸: NOOOOOOOO 😭😭🥺

Sent: Underdog...........its so late oh my god go to bed. GOODNIGHTTT 😊

TJ rubbed his eyes and looked at his clock, it was already 3 am and it was Sunday night. He knew he'd see Cyrus at school tomorrow. After last week's winter market, TJ had found himself gravitating towards Cyrus and his friends. He now considered them his closest friends. Wherever Cyrus was, he was there too. Cyrus had even gone over to TJs house to play video games Cyrus was extremely horrible at, they ended up eating canned peaches and playing Mario Cart (TJ let him win every time). Things were finally feeling stable, It felt like old times. He finally felt accepted, and yet there was always something off about the situation. If Cyrus really liked him like everyone told him, then why hadn't he said anything about it? 

"Hey stranger," Cyrus had said to him the next morning after plopping his backpack on the table. TJ didn't care that he had to wake up thirty minutes earlier to talk to Cyrus in the mornings, he was glad to see him.

"Hi," Tj smiled. He was only slightly tired. 

"How'd you sleep?" Cyrus said lightly.

"How did you sleep?" TJ retorted. 

"Me? Like a baby." Cyrus smiled and laid his head on his backpack. Tj grinned, but he still felt like something was off. TJ laid his hands on the table, lightly fiddling with the straps of Cyrus' backpack. Cyrus put his own hand on Tj's. Tj's hand stopped moving, but his heart was about to beat out of his chest. They both knew they were something more than friends, but neither of them knew how to talk about it. 

"So," Tj said. 

"So...what?" Cyrus said 

"Um," Tj bit his lip, he didn't quite know what to say.

"I used to like Jonah," Cyrus said, as he played with TJ's fingers, "Is that okay with you?" Cyrus looked up at him, Tj didn't know if he'd ever seen such nice eyes in his life. 

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