
"Ding dong" I here Jungkook say. I silently giggle as I take my gloves off and go to the front door. I wonder who that could be considering the time it is.

I see the boys on the couch staring at the tv watching a National Geographic video that teaches you about Landbugs and I see Tae taking notes and sitting close to the tv. I am not going to ask but whatever.

I open the door to see a package with the mailman holding it. "Thank you and I didn't know you deliver at night," I say and he nods clearly want to go home. "Just sign this and I will be in my way," He said with a tired voice. I signed the paper and gave him money and I know you don't need to do that but I just wanted the guy to cheer up. He gave me a smile and when he heard a growl behind me I turn to see Jungkook. Well, Jungkook has the man and I both jungshook so the guy quickly handed me my packaged and bounced. "Kookie why you do that," I asked as I reached for Jungkooks ears.

Jungkook blushed and Hid his face into my neck hugging me. And I see the other boys getting off the couch to join in. I pet Jungkooks ears then began to scratch them a little at the base and he collapsed in my arms. "Ok ok I will stop" he shook his head do unable to talk but the others agreed nodding viciously.

We all hugged and I soon departed to go in my room.

What's in the package.
I open it and see it with my new chokers. I don't know if you knew this about me but when I was younger I used to love these. I thought they looked cute. I grabbed the f/c (fav color) one the was also velvety silk feeling. It even had a little design of gold fading into black stitching that makes out a vine with roses on it.

I put an outfit together to match the choker and

I go to the bathroom to see what it looks like and it looks so cute.
You choose what ya look like

 You choose what ya look like

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I hear my phone go off so I walk back to my clean bed and grab it. It's from Jackson.

Jack: hey here is the song
The boys did

Y/n da boss: thank you so much
now go spend time with a mark
I am sure he is missing your
Fat ass

Jack: ok ok shut up, your

I just love my ships when they come true. The boy's song was called I Need You so some being a great friend I am I put the song as my ringtones for taking out because I will be singing I NEED YOU FOOD.


Oof a notification.

"YAH TAE STOP LETTING BUGS IN THE HOUSE!" Was that Jin. Any way I look at my phone seeing the fair just started. OOHH maybe the boys and I can go out.

I ran downstairs forgetting about the choker that is clearly displayed on my neck did I mention I put my hair up.

"Guys you want to go to the fair," I say as I jump off the last step.
I look up to see Tae and Jin smiling looking at my neck. "What's this, Y/n don't you know all little kittens need to be claimed. " Tae said in a deep and let's say admiring / attractive voice. "Yeah, I think she does need a master to just claim her." Jin agrees and that's when I knew I fucked up.

Claws (BTS Hybrid x Female Reader) Complete Where stories live. Discover now