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Lithium- the chemical element of atomic number three, a soft silver-white metal. It's the lightest of alkali metals. Lithium carbonate or another lithium salts, are used as a mood-stabilizing drugs.

Emphasis on mood-stabilizing drugs! I've been on edge for the past week and a half; since Donovan and I were helping out at the bakery. As I've explained earlier, Marco and I are referring to my condition as an STD and I'm too scared to talk to Christian about it. It's not an STD!

He's the only person I've 'S' so it's possible that he 'T' the 'D' to me but... How do I talk to him about it? How do I know that he transferred it to me? How do I know it's not that guy from the bar three months ago?

I get this has to be the most confusing part of the story but I'll get to the truth later on and you can all yell 'I knew it' when you hear what my 'STD' actually is. Nonetheless, if you're confused it means you've been paying attention.

I sat down in the soft leather chair in Eddy's study waiting for whoever it was that wanted to see me. Whoever it was was clearly trying to scare me because I hated coming into Eddy's office, mainly because I always got into trouble. Sitting in his seat made me feel like I was in even more trouble than I've ever been in.

There once was a time that looking at Eddy's study's doors would make me cringe so badly that I froze down to my mind going blank. It was a hundred times worse if my mom was with him because she (despite her calm demeanor) could yell her lungs blue.

I chuckled as I saw my seventeen year old self sitting on the other side of the desk. I still had a bob cut and my usually shimmering blue eyebrow piercing that my mom dreaded, thankfully I eventually got rid of it. The stiff and fearful way I sat with my legs crossed and my hands tucked between my behind and the chair's sitting part. The faint tremble in my lips I always tried to hide when I put on a brave face and my heart that could be see pulsating through my 'bad girl' style. A style that was reduced into memories after I had to start dressing 'more appropriately.'

Geez, I was a hot mess as a teenager!

I exhaled a chuckle then heard the doors open. I nearly got the fright of a lifetime when the doors creaked open and in came the Wicked Witch of the West. I honestly hoped that she wouldn't have grind my gears that day but -as usual- my hope was in vain.

She sat down in front of me like a nervous little sprite -that she is- going for a job interview. She twiddled her thumbs for a moment then sighed as she sat up straight. "I desperately need a favor, Jaime."

I sat up straight at the overpowering sound of her desperation, I thought I was going crazy for sure. I replayed her words slowly, carefully and analyzed every word accurately to be sure I'm not hearing what I thought I was but I was. Isla was asking me for something that she (not just needed but) desperately needed.

"Dare I ask?" For all I knew she needed me to tell her the way Vince likes his tea but was really about to tell her that? Yes I know how he likes his tea, two lumps and a tablespoon of sugar with a shot of low fat milk. "Before you answer, is this going to be a question about Vince?"

My answer's already no, either way!

She tilted her head thoughtfully, "kind of." I sighed as I rubbed my eyes. If she asks me to go to her bachelorette party again, I'm going to scream! "I'm a bridesmaid short and I was hoping that maybe you'd want to do it. Please."

I started slowly "Isla-" but she cut me off.

"Look, I know we've butted heads already and you don't like me but... Please! Jaime, I'm desperate. It's enough half of the people I wanted at my wedding aren't coming and I know Vince would be so grateful to..."

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