Let's not party

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From Renée's fashion house, a few of Cassias castle's guard drove us to a nearly desolate part of the city. A nearby sign read 'Rendezvous Avenue' -which was not a good sign of anything! Rendezvous Avenue is a street filled with all sorts of clubs: country clubs on the better side while night, dance, strip even the occasional brothel were on the no so wealthy side.

The bulletproof limo pulled to a halt near a blocked off club named 'Static' and it looked like a dance club -but boy was I wrong! The entire group of girls got out of the limo instantly while I was more hesitant about it. Does Isla know easy it is to find ecstasy and weed around here?

How easy it is to spike a drink around here?

I got out of the car and a whiff of burning weed hit my nostrils immediately. This night is going to hell already! I sighed as I studied the club, there was the sound of screaming women that made me cringe. The outside looked like a normal club but the amount of alcohol boxes near the door was unsettling.

"Hey," a soft and familiar voice called from near me. I turned and I saw Marco standing stiffly. "I'll be nearby." I nodded faithfully then trailed after Hadley, Isla, Nicole and Cassidy into the abyss of screaming women.

I was temporarily blinded then found myself in a strip club with buff, oily guys on a catwalk dancing seductively. I was already on edge from the area we're in and this was not helping at all! A hand grazed my shoulder, scaring me, but I turned to see Marco firmly holding the same hand.

It belonged to a guy in a Santa hat with matching pants and super agonizingly toned abs. Marco let go of him as he frightfully turned towards me. "I'm sorry, your grace." I nodded with a matching fear as Marco let go of him. "Show you to your table, ladies?"

We were escorted up a staircase that led into a private lounge with a balcony that looked over the entire club. All the girls were walking together but I stuck close to Marco's intimidating physique. "Can I get you ladies drinks," Santa Clause asked with a smirk.

"A round of shots," Nicole replied flirty.

I sat near the balcony, combing my hair with my hand. "I'm not drinking," I stated and Santa nodded but Isla looked at me strangely.

She moved next to me as Santa left the lounge. "Drinking's literally half the fun. Even if you just have..."

"I said I'm not drinking! Get over it," I hissed. I turned to see Cassidy and Hadley obliviously chuckling while deep in conversation. Nicole, on the other hand, was listening to Isla and I. "I'm on I diet, remember?" That was the excuse I was using and it proved to work.

Santa Clause came back with a tray of shots and a few of his friends, an elf, a rabbit, a doctor and a guy in a tie. Santa came to sit next to me while Doc was by Isla, the elf was by Hadley, the rabbit was by Cassidy and the guy in the tie was by Nicole.

I tensed up a bit when a beefy arm wrapped around my waist but I relaxed when I noticed who Santa actually was. It took my a while because of the beard. "Alejandro," I whispered and he smirked a bit. "You said you're a lawyer."

"Generally." I smiled at him then he took my hand and rubbed it against his abs. I looked at him wryly but he lightly shook his head, "I know. I wouldn't want my girl getting her hands on my cousin's oiled abs either but it's part of the teaser." I nodded as I eased up.

"I need to dance," Nicole voiced then got up with the guy in the tie along with everyone one else. "You coming, Jaime," she asked when she looked back into the lounge.

"I'm good," I stated then she left. I placed my free hand over Alejandro's. "Please stop," I whispered. I leaned my forehead against his as he sighed stressfully. "What's wrong?"

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