The 'F' word

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That's the 'F' word as in 'family' by the way not the other one that I get scorned for using.

Let's start off with a dictionary definition just so that were clear on the situation. A game of Eastern origin resembling field hockey, played on horseback with a long-handled mallet. Now look at my definition! A game that was invented when the people of some boujee European country when they discovered horses played soccer when nobody was watching.

They may have invented it but Argentina quickly made itself the Mecca of the sport. After that everyone in the modern world that watches it, points and laughs at that poor European country because they suck at it now.

That's right, polo but Gardenia's not that 'poor European country' that sucks at its own sport. Yeah, it just sucks at producing quality stepfathers for ex world renowned artists. Stepfathers who didn't even bother telling their (then) soon-to-be-stepdaughters that they're going to be king!

Moving on, Hadley, Akasha and I were sitting at a metal table with a white tablecloth over it. Next to Akasha was the metal barricading with little pink triangles that separated the polo field from the seating area. Most of the spectators and the two polo teams wore pink for breast cancer awareness month.

Happy October everyone!

Hadley wore a pink jacket with a matching knee-length skirt, a plain white blouse underneath with gray scarf, and pinky-cream pointed stilettos. Her hair was tied in a French plait and she only wore natural eyeshadow and lipstick. She sat with her back against the seat and the light breeze made her look a little like a ghostly silhouette.

Akasha wore a luminous pink tank top with a black pair of jeans and pink pumps with black detailing. Her nails were painted pink and she had on a pink fascinator -those weird satellite hats that sit on one side of the head. Her hair was tied back in a low bun with a pink scrunchy.

I wore a soft pink low-high dress with flower detailing on the bodice and a white lace finish around the skirt's rim. Renée forced me into a pair of matching stripper heels then tied my hair into the modest ponytail and decorated me with a silver bracelet.

Even the place guards were being supportive, the wore their usual black jackets, black slacks and some wore black shirts. Some -like Marco- wore pink ties and the rest of them wore the pink ribbon. It was great that the guards were allowed to show support for the cause especially seeing as Hadley's mother -the late lady Tatiana- also had breast cancer.

The polo game was nearly over (we were in the last minutes of the fourth quarter) and the score was still nil all. The Argentinean team's uniform was a dark pink with a white vertical stripe across the breast area and matching riding slacks. Gardenia's uniform a lighter -almost pastel- pink with white slacks.

What I found slightly funny was that before World War II, Hitler used a pink triangle to identify homosexuals. Now Hugo's in a pink uniform that has a pink triangle on the side of his slacks. If it's not a ironic that it used to be illegal to be homosexual in Gardenia and there's a pink triangle on my gay cousin's pants, I don't what is.

Hugo's teammate -Alex- took a nasty fall off his horse and it looks like the horse may have kicked him in his manhood. I was more focused on Hugo and Tulip -the sassy horse he rides- when it happened but it was clear that Alex was in pain. The ref called for a substitution and on came Tony with his horse, Crest, a white male horse with a black mane.

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