Yes Chef Christian

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I woke up to the squeaky little yelling, "come on, Jaime. Wake up! You promised." Donovan would not stop nagging me to get out of bed but when I opened my eyes it was still dark.

"What time is," I muffled into my pillow.

Donovan jumped onto my bed and started shaking me more wildly. "It's almost 07:00 am but you promised and I can't sleep."

"I never should've let you watch 'Frozen.' Now you think it's okay to wake people up so early." I rolled over and he fell next to me. "Five minutes, I promise." Donovan started squirming in protest and I knew he was about to start speaking but I stopped him. "If you let me sleep, I'll let you have my cupcakes too."

With that, he froze and made himself comfortable next to me. I promised him I'd take him to the bakery and he could help Christian and I with a cupcake order because the bakery's a few hands short. Christian made me promise that we'll make extra for Donovan.

Bare in mind that this only happened because Christian and I met in the garden -because 'commoners' aren't allowed in the palace itself. Eddy wasn't even on the brink of caving to let Christian into the palace. I wasn't even going to try pressing him so we were in garden -which isn't actually part of the palace.

Thanks Marco.

Once my body finally woke up, I sat up and Donovan jumped up excitedly as he watched me with those enthusiastic little blue eyes. "Okay I'm going," I stated and he just continued to watch me enter the bathroom. I came out then went into my closet to find something normal to wear.

By 'normal' I mean something that nobody would expect a royal to wear or something that's found anywhere. Usually -to me- that would mean jeans, Converse and a hoody but it's damn near illegal for royals to wear jeans in public.

Instead I found a (not as casual but) subtle alternative, it was a black knee length cotton dress with long sleeves. I wore it with a white pair of knee sock with a matching cowl scarf -those scarfs that are made into the shape of circle. I pieces it all together with cream knee length boots and tied my hair into a ponytail with a black scrunchy.

When I went back into the main part of my room, instead of Donovan I found Marco with his subtle yet frightened expression. He walked up to me and started, "my sister phoned-" he closed the door behind him "-your blood test results came back. Jaime..."

All the words after that were clear and I understood them but I didn't hear what they were. I get that's weird but that's what shock does only I wasn't shocked -at least, not after I heard the news. After that I wanted to jumped up and down but I think my body was still adjusting. Not only that but my stomach flipped so I made a break for the bathroom.

Thankfully my ponytail didn't make it into the pathway of tossed dinner. Two years of tossing my food due to overexcitement!Once it was out, I wiped myself clean then practically bounced off the ceiling. "I told you I'm not dying!"


"I'm so excited!"

"You are," Marco's straight face hid his surprise but his surely didn't. "Why?"

I exhaled a laughed, "I know it sounds weird but it's exciting!" People think cancer is a death sentence but it's just a condition and plus chemo sounds like fun! I'm kidding, I don't have cancer I have something less fatal and more exciting but that'll come out late. "We have to go, Marco. The bakery isn't going run itself."

Filled with confusion, Marco shrugged as we left my room and continued to look at me like I was a mental health patient. Donovan was by the SUV boldly being bored until he saw us. He jumped up and sat in the baby car seat with David in the back while I sat next to Marco.

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