The End Of War

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Maria, Germany after a few months became a war zone, with gun fire going on everyday, bombs going off around us, and I barely get to see Eren because he's always out.

In the few hours he is here he's covered in blood, has healing wounds, and he's sleeping. It's miserable to not be able to see him everyday, but I know he's fighting a good cause.

One day though, all that changed. In our huge underground bunker that consisted of 20+ bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a living room that has furniture, and a kitchen, Eren and his friends came back early.

"Huh? Why are you back early?" Armin asks confused. "Germany and Italy went to war because Italy isn't getting war stock supplies from Germany because Italy and Spain are at war, and Germany said they would supply them with ammunition, tanks and bombs, and can't because they're trying to fight us. So it's just France we have to deal with, but France has to pull back their troops from Germany because they're at war with Russia for randomly attacking Germany" Eren explains.

"So...we're in the clear?" Jean asked.

"Not exactly, we aren't sure if it's a reliable source because it came from a French owl, who told our owl" Berthold explains.

"So just to be sure, we're having another one of our owls from Germany confirm it for us, but we're having trouble contacting him" Zeke says.

"Which leads us to believe he may be MIA or at worse, KIA" Reiner finishes.

Just then there's a loud frantic knock on the door of our bunker, and Armin and Jean jump up with their rifles.

"Keep then back, we'll be back" Galliard says. After a few second of them walking towards the door, they open it and I hear loud frantic sounding German.

Then I hear a voice recognizable as Eren's, speaking in German. They have a transfer of words until the man is let into the bunker.

Eren and them walk back to us and Eren explains what he said, while the man in a German uniform sits out of breath on the couch.

"He's our German owl, he got compromised just as they pulled back from Japan and has been on the run since, which has been 3 weeks, and the information's true" He finishes.

We all heave a sigh of relief as the war is over finally.

"But this place is in ruins. Where do have to go? Our houses are probably all destroyed" Historia says.
(In case I didn't tell you, which I probably didn't, Historia came back from Utopia)

"I know, all of your houses are leveled. Nothing but brick, stone, and wood, but that's why I rented all of us a big apartment in the United States" Eren states.

"In the U.S.? Where did you get I don't know how many U.S. dollars, to get us an apartment?" Armin asks.

"Jeez, didn't know you thought I was so unprepared Arlert. I've been working since we abandoned Mikasa's house to get this money, and I don't even get a thanks?" He asked in a sarcastic hurt tone.

"We'll worry about that later, let's get the hell out of here" I say walking out of that god forsaken vault.

I walk outside and the sunlight hits my face, blinding me temporarily. In a few seconds I get my vision back and what I saw, wasn't pretty.

Buildings were in shambles, there was fire everywhere, smoke taking up most of the air space, and blood staining the once green grass, now a brownish red color.

"Cmon. We have to go" I hear Zeke say from behind me as Eren walked to my side. "They've got a helluva lot of work to do to rebuild this mess" he says next to me.

"The ship'll be leaving soon. Come on guys" Galliard orders. I take one last look behind me before leaving the place I called home for so many years. I feel a hand on my shoulder as we walk.

"At least I won't have to worry about the damn air conditioning unit exploding in the apartment" I hear as I turn to my side seeing Levi.

"Yeah. I guess you're right" I respond with a half smile.

The End

(Ending it here. I will be making a sequel but I won't start right away. This story on it's own took so much goddamn work and time)

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