The New Guy

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(Mikasa's POV)

"Mikasa!" I heard a deep,loud voice call from downstairs. "Wake up! You'll be late!" My uncle Levi called. "I don't want to get up..." I said not loud enough for him to hear. "I made pancakes" I heard Levi say. This got me up. Levi makes pancakes like no one has ever made before,they're like,award winning.

I got up and walked downstairs to the table to eat. "You look like a mess..." Levi told me. "Good morning to you too...asshole" I mumbled the last part. "No mater how low you mumble,I will always hear you" Levi said. "Whatever" I told him.

I ate my pancakes in silence until Levi spoke up,"So...I got a call from Principal Smith last night when you went to bed". "You did? What did he say?" I asked,curious. "He said to be 'on guard' today" Levi said. "What? Why?","You're having a new student today and Erwin said he wasn't the nicest person. Actually he pretty much described them with every adjective you can without calling someone a hell raising asshole" Levi told me flatly.

"Great,another asshole to deal with" I said sarcastically. "You'll make it. If he tries anything,kick his ass,can't be that hard" Levi told me. "Male huh...great,another person that'll distract me" I said seriously tired of people like that. I couldn't really help that I was somehow the cutest girl in the school that every guy fell head over heels for.

After I finished my pancakes,I go upstairs and take a shower,then brush my teeth. After that I get dressed in a black shirt,and black skinny jeans. I go downstairs and put my navy blue running shoes on,grab my bag,and head out the door. "Bye Levi" I said heading out. "Bye Mikasa,take care" Levi shouted back.

I'm heading to school and I see an unfamiliar figure walking down the sidewalk,walking all black like I am. 'Strange... I've never seen him before. He also has a backpack,is he the new guy I'm supposed to look out for?' I think to myself.

Curiosity gets the better of me,and I approach him. "Hey I haven't seen you around before,what's your name?" I said politely. "Why do you want to know?" he told me. "I haven't seen you around,so I was kinda wondering" I responded with. He sighs and says "Eren". "Last name?" I ask. "I'm keeping that silent for now.". Oh,did I forget to mention that all of Eren's words have a kind of coldness to them? "Well,I'm Mikasa Ackerman"I tell him.

We walk the rest of the way to school in awkward silence. "So...I'm guessing you're the new student?" I ask once we get there". "Yep" he says flatly. "You don't seem like the hell raising asshole the principal described you as" I tell him. "Oh,give it time,you're going to break up multiple fights" he says walking away.

I walk down a hallway then I hear something hard hit a locker and someone yelling "STAY AWAY FROM HER! I SAW HER FIRST!". I run over to where I heard the yelling,and I see Jean sprawled out on the floor with Eren standing over top of him. "Eren what happened!?" I ask. "He grabbed my shirt collar,and slammed me against the locker. It took me 3 hours to straighten this shirt" he tells me,trying to straighten it out again. "Eren,just because someone touched you doesn't mean you can knock them out" I tell him trying to reason. "Tell him never to lay a hand on me,unless he wants to go out on a stretcher" Eren says walking away.

I'm genuinely worried for him. I'm the student council president,and I'm genuinely worried that if this keeps up over the year he's not going to get only himself,but me as well,in trouble. I head to my class because the bell is about to ring,and my mind drifts to Eren. He's a cute guy...wait,what? Did I really just admit this guy I barely know is cute? Well,he is tall,strong looking,and broad shouldered,but I just met the guy,I can't already like him! Besides,I don't believe in love at first sight.

I arrive at my class and see Eren at a desk,all alone in the class room,staring at a piece of paper,talking to himself. "So you like to be early too?" I asked him. "No. I just hate most people" he replied. "Oh,alright. Anyway,what's that paper?". "Stuff I'm working on" he told me. "What kind of stuff?" I asked. "Goddamn,why do ask so many questions?" He asked obviously annoyed. "It's a thing I do" I say sitting next to him. I look at the sheet and see it's a music sheet,not official,but it's a music sheet. "Wait,are you writing a song?" I ask him. "There you go,with 50 questions again" he says,folding it up putting in his pocket.

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