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(I don't own the song,the lyrics,and the name,rightfully belong to Skillet completely,I only own the story)

A few weeks after the whole carnival thing,there's been an awkward tension between us. Eren doesn't seem to mind,or care,and continued with his life as normal. Then a fair happing at our school came around,and Eren was spending less time texting me,and talking to me.

One day I decided I would confront him about it. "Eren,you haven't been talking to me for a while,is there something happening between us that I need to fix?" I ask desperately. "No,everything is cool,I've just been preparing is all" he tells me. "Preparing? What for?" I ask. "A few of my friends came down,pretty much brother and sisters to me,and we've been preparing for the fair,haven't you heard the loud ass rock music coming from my house?" Eren asked. "No,I haven't" I say,relieved that my only friend isn't mad at me.

"I prepared a song for the school,a little about me" Eren told me. "What is it called?" I asked. "You'll figure out tomorrow since the fair is tomorrow" he says. "I hate it when you say stuff like that...but fine,I'll wait" I say. "Good" he says.

(Time Skip)

The day of the festival is here,I see Eren on stage setting up a microphone stand,a tall brown haired girl setting up a drum set,a short sweet looking blond setting up a microphone stand,with a guitar strapped over her shoulder,and blond boy a little shorter than Eren,adjusting a guitar. "Eren who are these guys?" I ask him. "Oh. Glad you're here. So the blond dude is Armin Arlert,the tall chick back there is Ymir,she doesn't have a last name because her birth parents are unknown,and the blond girl is Historia Reiss,yes as in the wealthy Reiss family" he tells me.

"So when are you preforming?" I asked. "We'll be on in five" he answers. "Alright" I said walking away. I'm wondering around thinking of a pastime until suddenly,I'm grabbed by the throat by a really strong arm,and dragged somewhere. "We got her" I heard a familiar male voice say.  Annie walked out of the shadows of a booth. "We can use her to get to Eren. Then I can get my Eren back" Annie said. "'My Eren'? What do you mean" I asked. Then it hit me

Annie must be one of the girls he dated. "So,you're one of so called 'little whores' Eren told me about" I tell her. "He called me a whore? Expected. I did cheat on him. It was really easy to manipulate him truthfully speaking" Annie said. This enraged me,how can someone manipulate such a nice guy!? He may not seem like a nice guy,but once you get to know him...he's still not a nice guy...but he warms up eventually.

Then I hear some rock music start playing.  (Insert Song Here) It ended but it was really good. I then hear footsteps coming from behind me,and a shadow linger over Reiner. Reiner's body tenses up,and he starts shaking a bit. "You guys are the worse at ransoms. I saw Reiner grab her from a mile away" he says. "But that's besides the point. Reiner. I want you to let go in five seconds or else you might actually need a stretcher this time" Eren said in a terrifying voice. Reiner was sweating a lot and shaking in his boots. "","Okay! Okay! I'll let her go! Please! Don't hurt me!" Reiner begged letting me go.

Suddenly I heard two pairs of feet running behind us,and Reiner smirking. "Got ya" he said with a cocky tone. Eren pushes me down and swings his fist backwards,his fists making contact with Bertoldt and Connie's faces. "I told you it wasn't gonna work" Annie told Reiner. Eren charged Reiner and punched him in the gut,and flipped Reiner over his head. He charged Annie,and her arms turned into crystal like things,and she tried to punch Eren,but failed miserably,as Eren caught her arm...and ripped it off. Holy shit! He just ripped someone's arm off! Annie didn't seem fazed,as steam came from her wound. She ran away though,getting the picture that she couldn't win no matter how hard she tried.

"Alright. Ready to go?" Eren asked. "You just ripped her goddamn arm off! Why was steam coming from her wounds,and why is the blood gone so quick!?" I asked kinda panicked. "I can't tell you here...follow me" Eren said grabbing my wrist and dragged me somewhere. It was the school's parking lot. He had his guitar in the backseat,and he opened the passenger side door. "Get in" Eren told me. Hesitantly,I got in the car and Eren got in the drivers seat. He locked the windows and doors,and asked me a strange question. "Do you have your phone on you?","Yes,why?","Turn it all the way off" Eren told me. I turned my phone off and I turned to him. "What is going on?" I asked kinda scared.

"About what happened back there...Titans still roam the Earth" Eren said. I was shocked. Titans were giant,man eating creatures that drove humanity to the brink of extinction in the seven hundreds. "Titans...still exist?" I asked,terrified. "Yes,they're being kept by the NSA,and Home Land Security. As of what we know,there are only three Titans left on Earth. Humanity have all three,but there are possibly more, beings there are Titans still around. The FBI and CIA have investigated America,where the Titans were spotted,and are now investigating Europe,investigating Germany in specific,because that was where the walls were believed to be. It is unknown if Titans are still around,but if they are,and there are more then three...humanity might be pushed to absolute extinction" he explains.

"How do you know all this?" I asked. "Well Mikasa Ackerman because the Titan shifters are still around. They have been since the end of the Titan war in 895,and...I just so happen to be one".

Sorry I didn't get this out yesterday. I meant to,but ran out of ideas of what to write,and I spent a lot of time brain storming. Well here it is anyway,Chapter 4. See ya in Chapter 5!

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