Start Of All Out War

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(Eren's POV)

I knew this would happen, just didn't think it would take so long. I wasn't surprised seeing the Tiger choppers flying overhead, it was only a matter of time really.

"What's going to happen now?" Mikasa asked kinda scared sounding. "German Special Forces and maybe a bit of French Special Forces will invade, and detain possible Titan shifters or anyone with possible links to Titan shifters, and a lot of blood will be spilled" I told her in a monotone voice.

Just then there's a knock on the door, because the door hasn't been blown up yet, I know it's not the Army. I open it and find Zeke and everyone standing there.

"Really Zeke?! Going out without covering your face! They know your face the most! Get in here, all of you!" I said side stepping.

"Eren" Reiner said. "No time. We need a-" "They got your friends" Reiner said interrupting me. "They got all of them?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, we saw them get bagged and dragged" Galliard said. "Dammit. We'll have to do something later" I said leading them upstairs.

"Hold on! You're going to be told that your friends were captured by German-"French right now" Peick chimed in. "French, whatever! And you're not going to do anything about it?!" Mikasa shouted at me.

"How did I...look Mikasa, this is between the lives of thousands of people, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people, or a few people" I said looking stern.

"You're going to let them die?!" She shouted at me. "Goddammit...fine. Let's go guys" I said ushering them towards the door. They walked out and so did I, then we transformed and headed our separate ways.

(A few hours later. Mikasa's POV)

"I hope he'll be back soon..." I said worried. "This is the 100th time you'd said it, I know, you're worried but saying it that many times is annoying" Levi said sitting up on the couch. "Well it's kinda hard not to worry about him, I love him after all, and don't act like you haven't been mass texting Hanji to see if she's okay" I told him. "Fuck you" he responded back laying back down on the couch.

Then the door flys open and Eren and everyone else walks in covered in blood, except my friends. "Happy?" He says looking at me. "Yeah, you fucking better be, we put our heads on the line. Literally, And we killed about 400 of the soldiers" Zeke said with a serious face.

"Whoa, and you have no regrets?" I asked. "Nope. They fucked with us first, now it's our turn" Eren said. "Now, back to planning" Eren said leading them upstairs. "Yeah, you thought you're gonna walk up there covered in blood" I called up the stairs.

"For the love of...fuck" Eren said in a groaning tone. "Fine, I got spares for you guys, come on" and they walked out of sight. "Wait...he does realize this isn't his house right?" I asked looking over at Levi. "He bought a bunch of his stuff over, a bunch of clothes, it's in a suitcase under your bed" he said not taking his eyes off his phone.

Then I hear a sound I didn't hope to hear, gunshots, mainly machine gun fire. "Attention! Anyone caught outside will be met with lethal force! Step out at your own risk!" A voice in a really heavy French accent called out through a megaphone.

Gunshots rang out, not from them though, from upstairs. Are they shooting?! Can't they just jump out the window, transform and kill them?!

"GET THE FUCK DOWN!" Levi shouts tackling me. As soon as I'm on the floor gunshots go through the bottom floor window, the door, and the walls.

"Fuck...that's not gonna be a cheap fix...will insurance pay for gunshot damage?" Levi says to himself. "No time, let's go Levi!" I say grabbing his hand and crouch walk up the stairs.

We crouch walk up the stairs and into my room to see evaporating blood everywhere. Eren got hammered by the 50 cal and is healing on the floor missing his right arm, his right eye, his left foot, and left hand, empty shell casings litter the ground along with 8 rifles, Reiner is missing half of his head, Annie lost her right foot, the kid I think named Peick, has a giant hole in his chest, Zeke is missing his lower half, and Galliard lost both of his arms.

"Holy shit" I hear Levi say next to me. "It's fine, we've all lost all of our limbs at one point and had to crawl using our teeth biting tree branches, plants, and rocks while we healed" Eren said, moving his head lightly to the left to see us.

Annie chuckled. "There was so much blood, then instead of hooking on to it, Reiner bit a rock, and busted all of his teeth" Annie said looking at Reiner. Since he was missing his face, he just flipped off Annie.

Then we heard a whizzing sound.

(Eren's POV)

I moving my healing process to the important parts and got up in a panic. "Levi, Mikasa! Get the fuck down!" I shouted landing on top them while a bomb hit the house and exploded, causing it turn to rubble above our heads.

(Sorry for the wait, just didn't really feel like it, well, here it is)

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