Biggest Mistake Anyone Has Ever Made

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(Mikasa's POV)

I'm walking to school like I normally do I'm walking to the entrance and I see a group of four boys. I don't recognize any of them,and Erwin never contacted me about any new students. So I walk up to them.

"Hey,I've ne-","Get lost bitch" I'm interrupted by one of the boys. "Excuse me!?" I say offended. "I said,get lost bitch. I'm not telling you again" he said. "Look dude,I'm just trying to be nice to you,it would be appreciated if you weren't an asshole" I tell him.

I then receive a hard slap across the face,and I hit the ground. I then get kicked in the chest. "Like I would care. You're a girl,what are you going to do? Kill me with glitter?" he said in a harsh tone,before kicking me again. It felt like my mind was having an Earthquake,and my chest hurt just as bad. I would fight back,but the slap really hurt and my vision was blurry. He kicked me in the face multiple times,I almost passed out. "Next time we tell you to fuck off,you better fuck off" he said before he and his gang walked away,laughing.

I weakly get up and I have to support my weight on the wall because my vision is so blurry. I know I have to go somewhere to rest up,and let my wounds heal because if I go to first period,all hell might break loose. I have Eren in first period with me,so if he finds me like this,those boys might literally die.

I have a small space under the stairs and I sit there for a few minutes,before I get rendered unconscious.

(Time Skip)

I wake up and my face and chest are still on fire,I check my watch and see it's after school,Eren should be waiting for me. I get up and weakly walk towards the place where we always meet. I arrive there and Eren sees me. I'm just about to say something before I collapse on the ground. I hear running footsteps,and a pair of shoes,Eren's shoes.

"Mikasa!" He yells. I look up and he sees my face. I see his eyes widen in shock. "What the hell happened to you!? Who did this!?" He shouts,clearly pissed off. "No one Eren...I just fell" I tell him. "Bullshit! Tell me right now,who the fuck did this to you,so I can whoop their sorry ass!" He said,getting madder. "I don't know his name,he's just new here" I told him. "What does he look like,and do you know where he is?" He said trying to calm down a bit,but failing miserably. "I know what he looks like,but I don't know where he is" I say.

"Oi,doesn't matter if this is where you hang out,it's our spot now,got it?" A familiar voice said. Eren looks up and sees them and has a serious face. "What it one of them?" He asks. "Yes,the one in the green jacket" I tell him. "YOU HAVE MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE ANYONE HAS EVER MADE IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE!" Eren shouted at the top of his lungs. Before they could say anything,Eren charged him with super sonic speed. I looked back at the wall behind all of them and see Eren choking the guy.

The other guys charge him,but Eren knocked them all out using one hand. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!? YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" He shouts. "Eren! Stop!" I yell loud enough for him to hear. He considers it for a second a drops him,then kicked him in the face. He walks over to me,I can tell if I didn't stop it,he really would've killed that guy. "Would you really kill him?" I ask him. "Yes,in a heartbeat if it was to protect you" he said. I could feel my whole face start burning like fire. He may not be a good at complements,but damn he can sure flatter me.

"Cmon,I'm taking to you to my house" he said picking me up. "Can you walk?" He then asks,remembering the state. "N-not really" I say. "Alright then,hold on tight" he pulls me on his back and starts to run away from the school.

We arrive at his house a few minutes later,might I add he was really fast. He sets me down,reaches in his pocket,pulls out a key,and unlocks the door. He reaches for my hand and I give it to him. He supports me up to his room. "Stay here,I'll be back" he tells me. I do as I'm told,and I look around his room,he doesn't have a lot of stuff but he has enough. Poor guy,doesn't even have a dresser. Then I start snooping around. I look under his bed,and I find a case with a loaded .44 Magnum,with wooden tipped bullets,and some with metal bodies.

"Yeah,that thing. I found it one day,in that case with those Full Metal Jackets and those Hollow Point rounds" Eren's voice startles me. "Oh,sorry if I scared you" he said. He's carrying some bandages. "Nothing too severe,you might have a fractured rib,and a migraine at worst" he tells me. Things get a bit awkward from here,as I have to take my shirt off so he can wrap my ribs. I put my shirt back on,and he gives me some asprin.

"Hey Eren" I'm about to ask a stupid question but I'm already in love with the guy,so I want to ask. "Yeah?" He responds turning his head towards me. "Do you have a love interest at all?" I ask,my face heating from embarrassment and the eye contact. He stays silent for a few seconds then answers "Yeah". "I love her a lot. We haven't really known each other a long time,but we have a deep bond that I don't share with anyone else" he explains. My heart dropped. Me and Eren didn't seem that close,so I guess it can't be me.

(I'm not telling you who Eren likes. Sorry. You're going to have to wait for a while. But like I said in my note,thank you all for the 100 views,it's amazing how far I've gotten,in less than a week. You're all amazing and (no homo I'm a male) I love you all! Thanks for reading,see you chapter 7)

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