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Star gazing and waiting for the sun to rise
To bless us with its presence
The once dark blue sky rippled with purples,
and pinks
The sun showed its magnificence
With its bright sunflower yellow
That blew through all the trees at once
The visible cool breeze warming at the
Suns touch
Looking to you with a smile placed on my lips
With you in my view
Beaming with light
My own planet.
The one who tore me apart
The pieces that were barely together
And made me whole again.
The one who made me grow better
To regain the life, I left bitter.
The one who made me stronger
I no longer live in that misty world.
You blew it all away, just a single word.
The reason I can look at the world and see
It's beauty
because you are there.
You are my will to continue

• M I N E •


igiveacrap  is the author of Quicksand, it's not worthy of the book but it's a good read and y'all should check it out if you wanted to! ^^ It will explain the "My planet" part of this.

It in my reading list of you want to check it out!!

Thank you~


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