??? Real or Not Real [Part 1] ???

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A/N: This Chapter is kinda based off of the episode called "Amy's Choice" but a little different! Hope you like it! :3

Ameila's POV

I ran over to the console and my new sonic popped up. I grabbed it then quickly ran back to the doors and soniced it.

"Where is River?" Amy asked. "In the Doctor's TARDIS!" I replied but yet out of breath.

Everyone was just quiet.

Well besides the heavy breathing! Then my TARDIS started shaking and we all lost balance.

I worked my way to the console and started pressing buttons and pulling leaver's. The TARDIS took off and we all sighed in relief.

"That...was close!" Amy sighed. "Very close!" I agreed. "Wait Doctor what is....that.....stuff!" I asked gettng slightly tired.

"I don't....I don't.....know!" He said then passed out. "Come on!" I said to myself trying not to pass out. Amy and Rory soon passed out while I was struggling not to.

Then the sleepiness took over and I passed out.


I woke up in a bed. Not the bed in the TARDIS though. It's a bed in a house! "What in the name of heck!" I said then ran threw the house until I found Amy and Rory. Rory had a pony tail and Amy is huge.

I looked in the mirror on the wall to see my hair that was now short, in a braid, and I was wearing normal clothes. But not MY normal clothes!

"Where is the Doctor?" I asked. "What do you mean? He hasn't been here in forever!" Rory said.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" I thought. Then River came downstairs. "River please tell me you know what's going on!" I said. "I don't and where is the Doctor?" She asked.

"And why is Amy huge?" She whispered. "I don't know!" I whispered back. "WOOSH! WOOSH! WOOSH!" We heard. "DOCTOR!!" We all yelled then ran out to see the TARDIS.

Then the Doctor poked his head out. "Hello!" He said then jumped out of the TARDIS.

--Time Skip to When they are Walking around the Sidewalk--

"So what exactly do you do here?" The Doctor asked while sitting on a bench. Then Rory and Amy sat next to him so he was now in between them. Me and River looked at each other then sat next to the bench.

So we were sitting on the ground.

"Just...relax!" Rory answered.

--Birds Start Chirping--

"Listen to the birds!" Amy said. Then all of a sudden we all got sleepy. Then we all just passed out....

--In the TARDIS--

I woke up on the clear floor of my TARDIS near the console. I got up and so did Amy, Rory, and the Doctor.

I grabbed my hair and looked to see if it was in a braid or still long. Then made sure I was still wearing my shorts, suspenders, bow tie, and white button up shirt.

I was wearing my normal clothes.

The Doctor looked at each and every one of us. Then we heard a knock. I opened the TARDIS door's to see River and she attached the Doctor's TARDIS to mine then walked in and looked at us.

"I just had the strangest dream!" The Doctor started. "About all of you!" He finished.

"I did too...." I agreed and so did everyone else. "Wait did your dreams have Rory with a pony tail, Amy was huge, and I had normal clothes and my hair was short?" I asked and they all nodded.

"So we all had the same dream at the same time?" Rory asked. "Yes Rory! Yes we did but that's not the question! The question is why? Why are we having the same dream at the same time?" The Doctor stated.

--Birds Start Chirping Again--

"Why is there birds? There are no birds in the TARDI....." River said then passed out. Rory and Amy both passed out too. Me and the Doctor started getting tired too but tried to fight it.

We worked are way to each other and held onto each others wrist before we passed out again...

--Doctor Who Theme Play's--

A/N: Haha Cliffhanger! Well not that big of a Cliffhanger! Anyways I gotta go to School! Can't be late for my first day of 6th grade! If you enjoyed this chapter please leave a Vote and Comment and I will see you next time! "Come Along Pond!" *Salutes*

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