(>•.•)> I'm not Alone! <(•.•<)

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Amelia's POV

"LET ME GO!!" I yelled as two pig men held my arms so I wouldn't escape. Then a Dalek appeared. "LET ME GO YOU BUCKET OF BOLTS!!" I yelled struggling to get out of the pig mens grips.

"You and the Doctor will be exterminated!!" The Dalek said as more appeared. "Who the bloody hell is the Doctor and why do you want to exterminate him?" I yelled.

"Time Lords are stupid! Daleks are supreme!!" Another screeched. "Okay that's just plain mean!" A Man said as two other pig men held him. "Who the bloody hell are you?" I asked him.

"I'm the Doctor! Now who are you?" He questioned me. "I'm Amelia! Have any more questions or do you want to be exterminated by these DEMONS IN A METAL CONTAINER?!?" I yelled at the Daleks and continued struggling.

"Today you'll be exterminated! KNEEL! KNEEL!!" Another screeched. "No way! I'm not purposing to you!" I argued making the Doctor laugh. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!" Another questioned.

"Ya! Time Lords are stupid! Ha!" The Doctor laughed making me laugh too. "Nice Bow Tie!" I laughed. "Cool Fez!" He laughed. "EXPLAIN THIS! EXPLAIN!!" The Dalek repeated.

"What? We can't get to know each other before we are exterminated by an alien squid in a metal can?" I asked and the Doctor facepalmed. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND! EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!!" It yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay I'll explain in two words! And two words only! ALLONS-Y DOCTOR!!" I yelled then flipped both pig men then did the same with the other two.

"Oh and for you three!" I said turning to the Daleks. I graped a gun off the floor and shot two of the Daleks straight in the eye. "NO!!" Me and the Doctor yelled as the last Dalek teleported who knows where.

"RUN!!" The Doctor yelled then grabbed my hand and started running away from the Daleks. Then they exploded and we both fell to the ground.

"My fez!" I whined as it came rolling back but was lit on fire. "Oh dang!" I exclaimed and the Doctor laughed. "So I'm just going to guess your Time Lady?" The Doctor asked getting up then helping me up. "Yup! You?" I asked and he nodded. "Wait what?" We both asked at once.

"But I thought I was the last!" We both said at once. "You know it's kinda weird we have the same fashion sense!" I laughed. "Well ya that too!" He laughed and I did too.

"But YES I'M NOT ALONE!!" I yelled then we hugged each other from excitement. "It feels so good not to be alone!" He laughed. "Well no freak no-one likes to be alone!" I laughed too.

"Doc-tor" A girl said and we both pulled away from the hug. "Um Doctor who is that?" The girl asked. "Amy this is Amelia and she is a Time Lady!" The Doctor explained.

"Ello!" I waved. "Woah you guys look SO much alike!" Amy laughed. "What we don't look alike! I'm on my 11th regeneration we can't possibly-" We both said looking at each other.

"Okay this just got a little more scary!" We both said at once while walking around each other. "Um yes! Yes it did!" Amy agreed.

-Doctor Who theme for when it goes to Carmarshal-

A/N: Greetings Fellow Companion's! Hope you liked Chapter 1! I know it's kinda short but I did my best! Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter leave a Vote and Comment and I will see you next time! "Come Along Pond!" *Salutes*

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