<(^.^)> Angels! =(>•.•)>

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River's POV

I heard a whooshing sound behind me. I spun around to see another TARDIS. Oh I see the Doctor found his sister!

"River!!" I heard him yell then he stormed out and over to me. "Why did you take my TARDIS?" He asked. "Spoilers!" I laughed then turned to the girl who looked like the Doctor.

"Hello there!" I waved. "Ello!" She waved back. "Oh um River this is my twin sister Melody-" "Amelia!" She cut him off. "It's Melody! You just changed it to Amelia!" The Doctor said and she wacked him in back of his head.

"Ow! That hurt!" He whined. "Amelia!" She argued. "Melody!" He crossed his arms. "You are so Stubborn!" She laughed then crossed her arms too. "Try being his wife!" I laughed making her laugh again.

"Well that's not nice!" He complained. "And your stubborn! I'm not stubborn!" He added. "Yes you are!" She argued.

"Are not!" "Are too!" "Are not!" "Are too!" "ARE NOT!!" "Are TOO!!" They argued. Then I held up the sonic the Doctor gave me and pressed the button making them stop.

I stopped and they uncovered their ears. "She's both! Just end it there!" I said and they both nodded.

"Yup they are definitely related!" Rory said making me and Amy laugh. Then Melody looked in a sertan direction and froze.

"Melody whats wrong what are you looking at?" I asked and everyone turned to look at her. "Melody what is it?" The Doctor asked.

"Turn around!" She said. We all looked at each other then turned around. There was Weeping Angels surrounding us.

"Melody, Dad, Mom whatever you do don't look in their eyes!" I said. "I learned that the hard way!" Amy stated.

"Okay on the count of three we all get in Melody's TARDIS! Okay?" I asked. "Okay!" Everyone agreed.

"1..." I trailed.

"2..." The Doctor trailed.

"3!!" Melody yelled.

We all sprinted to the TARIDS. I went in the Doctors TARDIS instead.

--Doctor Who Theme Play's--

A/N: Greetings Fellow Companion's! Sorry another short chapter! But tomorrow's will be longer I promise! That is all for this time if you enjoyed this chapter please leave a vote and comment and I will see you next time! "Come Along Pond!" *Salutes*

Related to a Mad Man! {ⓓⓞⓒⓣⓞⓡ ✴ ⓦⓗⓞ} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now