Saber - Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

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"What are you?"
"I am Diarmuid Ua—"
"I didn't say who."

"Papa, why are you training me to fight in a war?" I looked up at my papa's face.
"Because, as the heir to the family and as a mage you have the responsibility to be a master in the next Holy Grail War."
"Okay!" I smiled.
"Your training will begin now."
"Okay papa."
"No, you will address me as Master or teacher. During training, I am not your father. Establishing positions is the first thing you need to do, okay my pupil?"
"Yes teacher." I nodded my head, ready to begin.

"I am head of my family and your Master of this Holy Grail war. That is what I am."
"I am the Saber class Heroic Spirit in this Holy Grail war, and your servant."
"Good. I will call you when I need you Saber." I tell my servant, before walking away.

"It's the first rule of magecraft. Do not let any of the common masses see you using magic."
"Because if they do, you will have to eliminate them." I looked behind my father...

I stare down at the boy in front of me. He lays in a pool of his own blood. The pool just gets bigger and bigger. The same thing happened that day.
"What is it Saber?"
"Lancer is retreated." I hear his hollow voice behind me. I turn around to leave.

"I know what you're thinking. First rule of magecraft if anyone from the common masses sees you use magic, you have to eliminate them."

"Mages are a cold blooded my young pupil."
"Papa, I don't want to." I could feel tears well in my eyes.
"I am not your father!" He said forcefully.
"Yes teacher." I stared down at the cat in the stone slab. It's glossy green eyes and carefree posture. It was almost dinner time, but...

"Do it." He said.
"I said do it!" I winced at his loud voice.

Another pool of blood, she leans against the wall, as she bleeds out. The red marks on her hand disappear, she's no longer a master.
"Did you get rid of Lancer?"
"No, he retreated again Master."
"Are you kidding me?" I flick Saber in the forehead, he grunts and rubs the spot I flicked him. "Dammit Saber. Well, I got rid of Rider's Master and Rider disappeared." I sigh before continuing "Let's go home."
"You serve odd punishments Master." He follows as I begin to leave.
"If you'd rather me drill a hole through your forehead, I wouldn't mind, servant."


Three other masters left.
"Damnit. What a coward." I sip my tea. "Hey Saber."
He materializes beside me kneeling. "Yes Master?"
"If Lancer tries to run away again, hunt him down and finish him."
"Yes Master."

I finish my tea and set the cup down.
"I'm going to the cemetery Saber. Watch the house, will you?"
"I said do it, dammit!"

I go to the cemetery, where my father in buried beside my mother and sister. I just stare down at the stones in front of me, thinking to myself.

I don't understand the reason.
Why is it my responsibility?
This war I was trained for almost my whole life.
Cold blooded killers.
Servants— no slaves...

"There's only three more Master's dad. Hope your happy in hell. I turned out to be exactly what you wanted me to be..."

I hear a single loud clash of metal.
I turn around and see my servant with his swords, prepared to fight, and a dagger sticking in the ground before dematerializing.
"Saber?" I whisper.


I sit on the floor with my knees hugged to my chest, and leaning against the foot of my bed. The large windows, in my bedroom, allowing the moonlight to flood in.

Beautiful lights shimmer in front of me materializing my servant.
"Saber." I acknowledge him, not moving a muscle.
"Master," he bows. "You've been up all night like this."
"So, I think you should sleep."

"I can't." You tell him.
"Master, you need—"
"I can't sleep!" I yell up at him.

He kneels down in front of me to reach my level.
"... what's wrong?" He asks in a soft voice.
"Go to hell Saber, I—"
"Master..." he interrupts. "Please?"

"Come here." I stand up and walk around the side of my bed. "Lay down with me."
I lay down with Saber and he faces me. "I'm still not talking."
"Of course." He says, and puts his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.

You flick his nose. "Ow..." he flinches.
"That's for not listening to my orders to stay at the mansion."

You curl up against him and close your eyes.
"Thank you." You whisper. "Please don't go..."
"Of course, Master." He holds you tighter. "If it is any consolation, I don't believe you turned out to be what your father tried to make you."

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