Rider - Ozymandias

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The first, and most important thing in this war is to protect my little brother.

"It's just for a little while, I promise." I put my hands together, begging my brother.
"I'm not going!" He yells with his arms crossed, and eyes closed as if he had ultimate say in the matter.
"Don't you love Grandpa's house?"

"I do, but I have to stay." He says.
"*sigh* What a stubborn teenager..." I say under my breath. "Listen you know the Holy Grail war is coming. That's why—"
"That's why I have to stay." He says. "I have to stay here and make sure you're safe, and so you don't forget dinner, or your daily studies, or—"
"Okay! Okay! But listen up, if a battle is going on and I tell you to leave you do it okay!? You may be my little warrior, but you're not a mage. Got that?!"

From a very young age, he decide to learn martial arts. My brother studied Kenjutsu, Krav Maga, archery and more. After our parents were killed, we've wanted to protect each other, and that is what he's chosen since he couldn't be a mage.

"I said you have to get out of here! Right now!"
"I can't leave you here!"
"You can and you will. Now, get the hell out of here right now!"
"But sist—"


It all happened so fast.
How could I have let this happen.
I should have forced him to stay at our grandparents.
I'm a failure of an older sister.

"Master..." I turn my head to the side to see my King of kings materialize in my brother's hospital room.
"Yes Rider?" My body feels heavy, and I find it makes my eyes sore, and irritated trying to open them fully.

"The visiting hours are ending." He puts his hand on my shoulder.
"They said I could stay. He's not gonna survive the next two hours." He moved his hand from my shoulder, to on top of my hands which are holding my brother's.

"You feel responsible." He states.
"Well, obviously. I shouldn't have let him stay within me in the first place. He's only 15. How do I explain this to our grandparents? His teachers? His friends? If my parents were here they'd have my head on a spike. No... he wouldn't be dying."

"I understand that you feel responsible Master, but he chose to protect you."
"Making the fault, all the more mine."

"Master!" He pauses after gaining my full attention, directed toward his words. "Feeling responsible is absolutely necessary. In fact, it is imperative for a leader such as you, but blaming yourself is not the same as taking responsibility. What you are doing right now, will destroy you. As head of your family, you may mourn, and be upset for your mistakes, but you cannot afford to regret, and you must never wish to undo what is done."

"Pharaoh, how can I not?"
"Find the closure you require to accept what has happened."
"What if I'm not ready to let him go?"
"Then don't. Hold on to what is good, but do not dwell."
"I'm not ready to be on my own..."

Rider picks me up, and sits on the side edge of the bed backwards, one leg bent on the bed, the other hanging off reaching the floor. He has me placed in his lap, with my legs dangling off, and his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me there. I reach down to hold my brother's hand again.
"I don't think we're allowed to sit on the bed with him."
"You're not on your own. You're accompanied be me, The King of Egypt, Ozymandias."

"You had a brother. The adoptive one."
"Yeah, could you tell me about him?"
He sighs, "he didn't die when I last saw him, but I had no choice but to let him go as well. As the messiah to the Hebrew, when he split the Red Sea, I realized he had to leave. Although no longer a prince of Egypt, Moses will forever be my brother."
"Of course. Once you have a brother, you will always a brother, no mater what."

"Master, let's win the Holy Grail." I lean my head against him, and close my eyes.
"Yeah. Master's fight in the Holy Grail War for the sake of having the wish granted." I feel Rider's hand on top of my head, and he slides it to the side of my face.
"I neglected to ask before, what is your wish?"

Thank you little brother
You have protected for me, my life

My wish?
To have one last conversation with my family,
my mother, my father, my brother.
To see them all, face to face, once more.

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