Archer - Sir Tristan

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There once was a knight that left Camelot claiming the king did not understand the hearts of men.

"I am Sir Tristan. An Archer class servant." I announce kneeling before my new Master. I gaze up to see the face of a young maiden. Her lips are parted as she looks down at me, in her eyes I believe... I perceive sadness.

"I'm so sorry Tristan. I don't know what I was thinking. I know my family's magic wasn't made for war. I shouldn't have gotten in your way."
"No Master. In all honesty you saved me today, the position of their attack would have surely finished me. I am grateful." I bows before continuing. "I only wish you needed not to get injured."
"I'm just so glad you're safe." Master gives me such an innocent and kind smile before she continues to wrap bandages around her arm.

"But Master, Lancer's spearhead was coated in poison."
"My family practices the White Arts of magic remember? Healing myself and dispelling the poison are trivial tasks."
"I believe your well being is not trivial."
"Please Archer, I'm a master of the White Arts. It should be easy enough."

"Master of Archer." A voice addresses me as they grab my chin and jerk it up. I hesitatingly open my eyes to face the Master of Saber. "Ah, you've finally decided to join us."

"Archer isn't coming." I tell him.

"Don't follow Archer, it's a trap. I'll take care of it, okay?" That was the last thing I told him.

The Master stands up straight and takes a few steps back. "No? That's a pity. My Saber would have to like to see him again." I glance behind the master to look at Saber.
"A knight of the round table?"
"Indeed I am, Master of Archer." He glares at me, but for some reason, I don't believe the glare is for me.

"What's your problem with my Archer, huh?"
"Sir Tristan abandoned serving our king claiming he 'didn't understand the hearts of men.'"
"He was right to do so."
Saber draws his sword furiously. "What did you say?!"
"Saber." His Master puts his hand to the side, stopping his servant.
"A king that doesn't understand other's feelings could never have actually lead you. The only thing the king of knights knew how to do was save you. A great hero, but I don't think someone like that could be a true king."
"How dare—"
"Archer will come, Saber." He stops his servant again. "No servant would leave their Master in such a position."

Saber's sword dematerializes and he bows. "Okay Master."
"Guard the area, and when he shows up, you may confront him. I guarantee he will come. Just leave this one to me."
"Thank you Master." Saber dematerializes in blue sparkling lights.

"Now time for a little history review." Saber's Master goes across the room to grab a chair and drag it back, and sit in front of me.
"History review?"
"Your family is known as the chosen guardians for the divine, correct?" I nod my head. "One thing that your family has protected is the water from the fountain of eternal youth and immortality. I want it."

"Yes, and your are going to give me what I want." He leans forward on his chair.
"You don't think I just carry the protected treasures around with me, right?"
"Of course. Your going to tell me."
"Well, it's not kept where we have the blood of Jesus."

"Ow!" My cheek burns, and I can tell half of my face is now red.
"Don't get smart with me girl!"
"I'm a young woman." I huff, and he slaps me again. "Don't tell me this is why you chose to enter the Holy Grail War."

He takes me by the neck and tips my chair backwards.
"If you... think... I'm afraid... of falling backwards... in this chair—" I manage to choke out.
"Shut up girl! The only thing I want from those smartass lips of yours is the location of what I've told you to give to me." He lets go of my neck and my chair falls backwards. "This is the last time I ask."
"Go to hell moron."

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "AHHH!!!" I look at a large needle that's stabbed into me. "What the?"
"I'm an alchemist that happens to have done some work in condensed, liquified, poisons and curses. It's not a going to be fun for the mage studying in the White Arts."

Complex alchemy, concentrated curses and poison eating their way through my organs.
And every 2 minutes..
"How do you feel daughter of the chosen guardians?"
"Moron." I spit out. "AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Curses that he controls.

After a long time the curse is spread up my torso and down my thighs.
Suddenly, I'm spattered liquid. Blood.
I strain my neck trying to look over at Saber's Master.
He is filled with arrows that his him from the back and protruded through his chest.

"Master!" Archer rushes over to me, and unties me.
"Hey Archer. Thanks, but I thought I told you not to come." He's obviously pretty injured, and I my hand on his cheek.
"I apologize for being so late, I'm sorry you've become so injured. I should have gotten here sooner."
"Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"Master may I ask what methods did you plan on using to 'take care of it'?"
"Well, I was going to wait until he got bored and took a coffee break to escape." His injuries glow white as I heal them. I let go of his face, but he grabbed it.

"You're not serious, are you Master?"
"Well, what else was I going to do? You know I can't fight." I look off to the side in embarrassment.
"Then why would you insist I not come after you?"
"I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Being kidnapped usually means they're after treasure. I've dealt with this plenty of times before. I also considered that he is Saber's Master and that Saber could be a knight from Camelot or even the round table. I didn't want you to have to face that again after all you've been though in your life."
"We should leave now Master." He stands up and tries to help me up too.
"Archer stop." I wince. "I have to get the curse out of my system before I can stand."

"Master?" He crouches down again.
"Yes?" I answer as I begin to purify my body.
"When you first summoned me you looked sad."
"Oh, you could tell?"
"Yes, I would like to know why."
"Well... Child of sadness. I just wanted to give you happiness and peace. I didn't want to make you fight anymore. You're the kind of person to blame yourself for everything. I just wanted to do something for you, but I didn't know what I could do. I didn't know if there was anything I could do."

"I'm sorry Master." I manage to get up on my knees and hug my knight.
"Tristan. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You treat me nothing short of a princess. If anything I haven't been living up to standards I should be, 'Master', 'Guardian'. Who was that guy kidding?" He puts his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder.
"No Master, you live up to every standard laid before you. Thank you for everything you have done for me, because you've done so much."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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