Twenty-Three: The Tonys

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A/N: No excuse for the late chapter, just general holiday laziness. :P

June 12, 2016
Lin's POV

    I nervously adjusted my cufflinks. Beside me, Jonathan was just as nervous, combing his hair for the fourth time in ten minutes.

    Tonight was the long-awaited Tonys. Although we'd both already left the show, the nominations had arrived before we departed, so the awards were still up for grabs.

    I was nominated for Best Musical, Best Leading Actor in a Musical, Best Book, and Best Score.

    Jonathan was nominated for Best Featured Actor in a Musical.

    As such, we were both incredibly nervous. Hamilton had raked in a record-setting 16 nominations, and I was torn between immense pride and fear. Good lord, you think I'd be used to it by now; I'd been nominated twice for In the Heights and won one of the nominations.

    Groff, on the other hand, had the right to be nervous. He'd been nominated for Best Leading Actor in a Musical for Spring Awakening but hadn't won. He was up against Chris Jackson and Daveed Diggs from our very own show and had already decided he wasn't going to win.

    I disagreed. Groff had been an excellent actor in Hamilton, but the fact that he was only on stage eleven minutes of the two hour, thirty-minute show definitely counted against him.

    All three deserved it; Chris for his wonderful portrayal of Washington, and Daveed for doubling up and rapping fast in a French accent and then losing handily in two rap battles.

    Hmm. Maybe Daveed deserved it more.

    I squashed the thought out of loyalty to my boyfriend.

    At last, Groff finished mussing/combing his hair and let me have a turn at the mirror. I smiled as I looked at my reflection. At last, my long hair was gone. I'd shaved it right after my final show, with half the cast looking on and laughing. In its place was my ever-present goatee and closely- cut hair.

    Groff laughed at me as I carefully smoothed down my hair. "Hurry up! We've got to get to the Beacon Theater soon, or we'll miss the start."

    "Hurry up?" I snorted. "Says the guy who wasted like ten minutes brushing his hair."

    Groff grinned cheekily. "Let's go, you great lump."

    I rolled my eyes but complied, only taking enough time to shove my phone and pre-prepared acceptance speeches in my pocket. Groff took my hand and we hurried down to the car.

*  *  *  *

    About twenty minutes later, we pulled up to the valet provided for tonight's awards ceremony. Groff tossed the keys to the valet as I dragged him towards the building, excitement now washing away any apprehension. Hamilton was already internationally acclaimed, so I didn't need these shiny trophies to feel validated. Still, who doesn't want trophies?

    I entered the fancy theater and immediately spotted Renee. She looked stunning in a yellow floor-length gown.

    I snuck up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. As she spun around, I teased, "Why, Angelica, you're wearing Peggy's color! Jazz must've been livid!"

    Renee launched herself at me, a grin on her face. "Lin! Aw, is it so good to see you!"

    I hugged her back warmly. When she pulled away, her face darkened and she placed her hands on her hips menacingly. "Why on earth have you and Groff not come back to see us? You know Leslie and Pippa are leaving next month, with me not long after. I'm affronted!"

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