Chapter Twelve: Don't Stop Believin'

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A/N: As promised, we have finally reached the goal! Well, the first moments of Grofflin. Enjoy!

Groff's POV

    I slowly came back into consciousness with the feeling of heaviness. My eyelids felt weighted down, and the bed was so warm I almost fell back asleep. I shifted to get into a better position and groaned when I felt the pain shoot up my body from the movement.

    Immediately I dimly heard several gasps.

    "Is he awake?" I heard Renee ask.

    "Groff? Can you hear us, man?" Oak asked.

    Giving up the battle for more sleep, I raised my head wearily and cracked my eyelids.

    I was greeted by several sighs of relief as the Hamilcast's faces came into focus.

    "Guys?" I croaked, confused. Where was I? Why was I in a bed? Didn't we have the second show to do?

    Something cannonballed into the side of my bed. The force shook my body and I groaned with pain, clenching my eyes shut.

    "Lin!" Jazz hissed, grabbing the human cannonball. "Don't jostle him! He's hurt, you idiot!"

    "Sorry, sorry," I heard Lin murmur. "I just got excited."

    "It's all right, linnamonroll," Pippa soothed. "We're all excited."

    Well, I'd had enough of them talking like I was dead. "I'm right here, you know," I grumbled and reopened my eyes.

    Everyone rushed towards my bed and tried to get a hug. Though my side felt like it was on fire, I soldiered through and gave every last cast member a hug and a joke.

    Finally, after I'd hugged Leslie, Lin stepped forward. I just looked at him for a second, savoring the sight of his face. He looked very tired and worried, but when I locked eyes with him, his face split in a grin.

    He's so handsome, I found myself thinking. I could have died without seeing him again. Even though I'll probably be in the friend zone forever, at least he's my best friend.

    Lin lunged forwards (again) and enveloped me in an awkward side hug; the only thing we could manage with the bed in the way. I breathed in his smell, just grateful to hold him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Renee and Jasmine smirking at me. Ooh, they better not be obvious.

    I then remembered what I'd been thinking about before the crash, and nearly fell out of bed. HOLY SHIT. LIN LIKED ME.

    I barely restrained myself from gasping aloud. He was currently hugging me, so it would be a dead giveaway if I reacted.

    Finally (too soon, in my opinion) Lin pulled away. He was shaking visibly, and I knew why. The last time he was in the hospital, he left with his wife in a casket. He still flinched whenever people said Vanessa's name, so I knew what to do.

    "Come here, Lin," I commanded.

    The cast - well, the males anyway, since all the women knew I was crushing hard on Lin - looked at me, surprised. Well, you gotta love 'em, but they were not perceptive.

    Lin himself looked a little surprised but came back into my arms willingly. I even saw a faint blush under his tan, which confirmed my suspicions. But I was going to comfort him, not anything else.

    "I know what you were scared about," I told him when he sat on the side of the bed. "I can see it in your face, Lin. You thought I was going to die."

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