Chapter Fifteen: Going Steady

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A/N: Sorry if I'm bothering you all with these notes. But I have an announcement, and it isn't very good. I am pretty sick. I came down with a 103 fever yesterday but slogged through to get this ready. Sorry if my writing is crap. I'm not sure if I'll be feeling well enough to write Chapter Sixteen, but I'll try. I'm so sorry! - Sloan

Groff's POV

    The next morning, I strode purposefully out of the hospital - well, more like hobbled, but that doesn't matter - to the nearest subway entrance. It was Thursday, a one show day, so Lin would be at the theater soon. I had to make it there first.

    I swiped my metro card and hopped on a subway. I spent the entire ride thinking about Lin and what the kiss meant for our relationship. I still got butterflies thinking about it.

     Finally, the subway arrived at my stop. I hobbled off, ignoring the screaming pain in my side, desperate to see him.

    I thanked my lucky stars that I had a key to the theater in my pocket at the time of the crash. If I hadn't, I probably would've gotten here after Lin and wouldn't have been able to execute my evil plan.

    I unlocked the stage door and slipped into the theater, carefully relocking the door so Lin would think he was the first here.

    Staring around the dark theater, I let myself relax. The pain in my side diminished as I stopped panting.

    After allowing myself a few minutes, I hurried to our dressing room. Now, I didn't really have an evil plan, but I did have a pie my lovely Pippa had bought for me last night and slipped into our mini fridge.

    Pie in the face? Isn't that a little childish?

    Seeing as it targeted Lin, not really.

*  *  *  *

Lin's POV

    I hummed to myself happily as I got off the subway. Though I had been driven to hide in my dressing room last night by shame, I had put the final touches on my songs for Moana and sent them off to Disney. I'd sang How Far I'll Go to Sebastian last night, and he'd seemed to like it well enough. He hadn't cried, anyway.

    I unlocked the theater door and flung it open. Why? Because I wanted to.

    I just as quickly shut the door. It was still February out there. But my good mood was ruined when I once again beheld my halls of shame.

    Yeah, kissing and running hadn't been the best idea.

    Blushing red again, I leaned against the wall and thought. Did I regret kissing Groff? Well, no. It had been wonderful, and finally put my indecisive feelings to rest. But running away? Yeah. I don't know how Groff reacted. Well, he'd texted me that he was getting out this afternoon, so I'd know then.

    So how do I deal with my emotions? By singing, that's how.

    Jumping into my favorite part of Seasons of Love, I waltzed towards my dressing room.

*  *  *  *

Groff's POV

    I smirked as I heard Lin burst into Seasons of Love. He was such a romantic. Anyways, he was approaching our room very quickly, so I grabbed the pie - cream, Lin's favorite - and unwrapped it before positioning myself right beside the door. I clicked the lights off and held my breath in anticipation.

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