Chapter Two: Going, Going, Gone

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Groff's POV

    I was just leaving the Richards Rodgers Theatre when my phone began to blow up

    I yanked it out of my pocket and checked the screen. Hamilchat.

*  *  *  *


linnamonroll: Look out Anthony, I've got a new little actor lined up to play my child.

TurtleBoi: ...

QueenRenee: is this what i think it is?!?!?

*  *  *  *

    My jaw dropped. Vanessa was pregnant? Lin was already everyone's dad friend, photobombing pictures, saying dumb jokes, dancing in the corner, the whole shebang. It would just be even funnier - or cringier - now. Poor Vanessa. She'd suffer the brunt of his dad-joke-ness. He'd also be FREAKING out! He swears quite a bit, and loves to play videogames. He'd have no idea what to do as a father!

    I quickly typed a response.

* * * *


* * * *

    My phone dinged again with two other responses.

* * * *

the General: Looks like you've secured your legacy :)

Jazz: Pass my congrats to Vanessa! Looks like somebody in your relationship's got their head on straight.

* * * *

    But then my thoughts darkened. Ever since Hamilton really kicked off, Lin had been spending less and less time with his wife, and more time with me and the rest of the cast. He'd been trying to make up with it by spending every spare moment with Vanessa, reducing the times I saw him to only at the theater. With a child, my best friend was going to drift even further away.

    And let's be honest; I liked Lin. Quite a lot. More than friends. But he was my best friend; I couldn't just break him and Vanessa up. Everything I loved about him - his humor, his personality - would go away if Vanessa dumped him.

    "As if that would have happened anyway," I muttered. "He loves her too much. You'll just have to settle for being his best friend. It's better this way."

    I got into a taxi and directed the driver to my apartment, sinking into the dark thoughts.

    After I met Lin for the first time, I fell head over heels into a crush on him. I couldn't help it! I saw him every day for Hamilton, and he kept showing me cute pictures/videos from his childhood...

    He was just precious. He was the epitome of childish energy, yet had the emotional range and perception of an adult. He always knew when someone was feeling down, and always had the perfect thing to say. He was so attentive to his wife, and always tried to make everyone included.

    I came out a while after meeting him. He's the reason the whole world knows I'm gay.

    And the sad thing? He supported me immediately when he heard, demanding info on who the lucky guy was who made me come out, and didn't know that that guy was... him.

    I blew my chance.

    I fell in love, bit by bit, and only to watch it all shatter when he met Vanessa. And now, a baby? It's the sign that there's no way Grofflin would happen now. Lin is too much of a cinnamon roll to leave his wife and kid, especially for someone like me.

    This calls for watching Cinderella and eating a tub full of ice cream.

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