16 | Apples instead if carrots

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A light rain splashed against the snow, glistening a mesmerizing white, perfect scope for the imagination. The rumors hadn't been unbearable but lunch was to come soon and with so many imbeciles in close proximity something was bound to go down. Geometry was challenging and English was captivating, she was pleased with the day so far. Then it was lunch time and she felt her stomach drop.

"Diana should we go get the milk from the stream?" She questioned politely. "Oh I suppose but mother would be so upset if I get my dress dirty." Diana sighed. "Marilla would be upset as well but not at much. I'll grab yours!" She offered. Diana nodded while Anne rushed outside quickly carful not to get soaked. Josie, Billy and their gang of bullies went to the window in hopes that she would fall and slip in the mud, she did slip but it wasn't what they expected.

Gilbert had luckily been sitting outside under the roof carefully with Charlie, he watched her walk over there and made it just in time to catch her before she fell. Josie's jaw dropped while they just started at each other for a moment. Anne lifted herself back up and grabbed the milk, storming off. "Anne wait!" He called chasing after her.

"Thank you for catching me but your assistance wasn't necessary Mister Blythe." She said bluntly. "I never said it was but surely you could tell me about it in length on the walk home." A half smirk appeared on his mouth while Anne flushed red. "I believe Marilla invited both you and bash over for dinner so that seems like a lot of unnecessary walking." She replied turning away from him and waking to Diana. Diana was surely enjoying this entire moment. "Time spent with you is always necessary." He added before turning away to Charlie.

Ruby, Cole, Diana and Anne were seated in a circle in the coat room all grinding from ear to ear, even with unfortunate circumstances. They were getting happily until one blonde who reeked of havoc made her way over there. "Anne, Diana, Ruby! You can sit with us if you'd like! Even....you." She directed towards Cole. He rolled his eyes but they all got up and went to the circle hidden behind blankets.

It was awkwardly silent until Josie decided to speak. "So Anne, you and Gilbert are courting." 'What an invasive question' Anne thought to herself. "I don't see why you would need to know that." She said Harshly. Josie leaned back a bit while crossing her arms. "You've kisses him haven't you." The irritating blonde clapped back. "Have you kissed anyone Josie?" She asked with pasted sincerity. "Why does that matter?" Josie fires back.

"Well since it's evident you haven't, you simply wouldn't understand. It's a more mature thing. One day it'll make sense to you." She spoke sassily before leaping up, turning on her heels and heading back to the coat room, followed by ruby, Diana and Cole who stuck his tongue out while leaving.

"Anne that was insane!" Diana said while racing back towards the coat room excitedly. "Have you gone mad!" Ruby added in a whisper shout. "Josie is going to have a fit! It'll be awful. Oh no, there is no one more ruthless and mean than Josie Pye." Ruby glared up at the ceiling lost in thought. They all laughed awkwardly.

"So, Anne. Diana. Are we going to talk about the situation you're both facing." He said subtly, hoping not to strike up a fire inside of Anne. Just as Diana was about to fume two elegant boys walked over to the close knit circle. "I um- well, I thought you might want an apple." He said sweetly standing behind Anne. The redhead reluctantly turned around and starred up at the boy, she graciously took the apple and he winked. Her face flushed red almost immediately, she turned back around quickly and starred at the floor so intently you would think it had cursed her first born child.

Charlie hasn't spoken and word and Diana was greatly disappointed. "So Diana...." Cole started again. Diana sighed while pushing the hair off of her shoulder. She really didn't want to address the situation at hand. It was in moments like these she wished she had Anne's imagination, she wished to dream herself into a much happier reality.

"Have I mentioned Aunt Josephine is staying with my family until her home is recovered?" The ebony haired girls swift conversation change was not unnoticed but they three allowed it.

Miss Stacy called them all back to class for an enormous announcement as she called it. They all fluttered excitedly while returning to their seats.

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