10 | Late night games

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The sky was turning from a beautiful blue to a deep and sorrowful black. The children scurried to their rooms, Anne and Diana insisted on sharing. They were asleep happily when a knock on the door frightened them. Anne leapt up from her comfortable position to see who was at the door. It was simply Cole. She smiled brightly and allowed him into the room. "Hello Cole!" Beamed Diana. "No time for chatter, everyone else intends on coming in to your room to play games." He whispered quickly. Anne was ecstatic, it was simply something from a story book, when suddenly Diana reminded her of a problem. "We're in are nightgowns Anne. They can't see us like this!" She whisper shouted, positively horrified at the thought.

Anne sighed. "Well let's get up then!" Diana nodded and they quickly dressed. Soon after everyone rushed into the room, careful not to wake Miss Josephine. The truth was Miss Josephine was aware of the entire situation the entire time. She chuckled to herself but allowed it to go on anyways.

"What're we all doing?" Diana asked sweetly. "Truth or dare, but if you aren't telling the truth and someone knows they have to call you out!" Cole stayed proudly. Ordinarily they played under Josie Pye, her games were never any fun. Playing with their closest friends would surely be more fun.

"Charlie, truth or dare?" Asked Gilbert with a grin plastered on his face. "Dare." He replied bravely, trying to impress his lovely Diana. "Kiss Diana!" Charlie's eye's bluffed from his head, Diana flushed red. "Blythe, a kiss is a momentous occasion, it shouldn't be provoked by a game. You haven't gotten a clue about romance." She spat Rudely. Diana sighed at her reaction. "I apologize Anne, but what would you know about romance?" He replied back, aggravated. "Certainly not how to except it." Butted in Diana. Everyone burst into laughter while Anne sat confused and Gilbert rubbed his temples.

"Whatever are y'all going on about?" She questioned, in an angered tone. Diana glanced at Gilbert, he simply rolled his eyes. "She wouldn't believe you anyhow." He said sorrowfully. Diana leaned over and whispered something in Anne's ear. "Diana that's preposterous!" She shouted back, gaining everyone's attention. "Told you." Was all Gilbert could muster up.

"It's not Anne." He finally said. "I would expect this from you Gilbert but my dear Diana, how dare you pool such a horrid joke on me." She jumped up in anger. Gilbert followed. "Why can't you just accept affection. Why do you have such a strong vendetta against me?" He questioned. Diana, Charlie, Cole, Ruby and Nicholas were all lined up on the bed, practically eating pop corn.

"I don't have a vendetta against you Mister Blythe. It's ridiculous if you to think so." She replied properly. "Then why won't you accept my affection." He pleaded. "Because it's fake!" She shouted back. He hadn't  any idea how to prove to her that his love was real, when suddenly, a glance at Charlie's mockery in the background gave him the idea. He lunged forward and cupped her cheeks. Pressing his lips gently into hers, to his surprise she kissed back.

"A kiss is a momentous occasion."

I didn't proof read this hahahahah. Let me know if there's a mistake.

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