15 | Fires and snowy frolics

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Smoke and ashes, destructive flames roared on the chaotic night. Her blonde hair flew in the winds, trying her best to bring her friends to safety. She rushed around in a panic, leaping from door to door while covering her face with a grey cloth that had been immersed in water. She luckily alerted everyone and sent them to safety before any major damage was done. That is except for Miss Josephine's mansion. The entire town was circled around with buckets of water. Anne's face looked an entire different shade after making sure everyone was out and safe, she went around the house three times before finally exiting.

The rest of the morning was a blur, questions and condolences. The fire was ruled an accident and Ruby was deemed the town hero. Ordinarily she loved this sort of attention but something wasn't quite right. Her smiles were small and insignificant but she wasn't stunned either, she was quiet, it was unusual.

The field trip was cut short needless to say, all the children went home on the next train, compliments of the train station, and were awarded no school. Most of the students slept till the afternoon anyhow. But tomorrow, tomorrow would be chaotic, lord knows what secrets could be uncovered.

Anne slept not so peacefully, she dreamed she was at a funeral, many coffins lay around her and she was all by her lonesome without anyone to grieve with. Her worst nightmare, everyone she loved dying. She read gravestones, it was everyone she ever imagined, even cruel old Billy lay in his grave.

The sun shone through the light white curtains that's dangled over her window seal. It was the first snowfall of the season. The ground was a pearly white, reflecting the sun elegantly, a captivating distraction for Anne, she had so much to deal with. The Gilbert Fiasco, Diana and Charlie, The rumors about the fire, it would be much to difficult to handle without the adventures of Cordelia. She sighed and dressed in simple clothes, the sleeves had the slightest puff. She rushed out the door, hoping this day would end as quickly as it began. She met Diana at the crossroads per usual and headed off to school. The walk was quiet yet so loud. "Do you know what you're going to do?" Anne queried while stopping in her tracks, realizing she had forgotten to put her hair in braids.

"Come On Anne we're going to be late. Have you decided what you're going to do about Gilbert?" She replied with a sense of urgency. Anne gridded along next to her but the speed of her walking decreased heavily. "What ever do you mean, about Gilbert?" She asked mischievously. "Well, since you've asked. Gilbert Blythe Kissed Anne Shirley-Cuthbert!" She shouted obnoxiously. Anne put her hand over Diana mouth quickly and roughly. "What do you think you're doing Diana Barry!" She shouted angrily. "That's what I was referring to earlier." She grinned devilishly.

"Okay fine! I don't know what I plan on doing, however, I refuse to be persuaded from my low opinion of him." She said abruptly, increasing her pace. Diana stopped and reached for her arm, causing her to holt as well. "Please Anne, give it up already. You enjoy his company! You like him romantically, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if you married him in a few years! He is two years older and when you turn 18 he'll be twenty, those are perfectly respectable ages for a marriage." Anne's jaw dropped. Her cheeks when red but not with anger, she was blushing. Could Anne marry Gilbert? Anne felt butterflies in her stomach, she wasn't completely repulsed by that idea.

"Could I really?" She said enthusiastically turning to Diana. The ebony haired girl squealed in response smiling and nodding. Anne couldn't wipe the grin from her face. "Okay well you could marry Charlie. Oh Diana we could have a double wedding and hunny moon!" She replied. Diana's face lit up at the thought. Not to far behind but definitely in earshot were the two boys in question, laughing hysterically. Gilbert pointed out that the girls might notice them eas droping, they both bolted out of sight and rushed through the sides of the woods, appearing ahead of them.

Diana noticed them far head and shut up quickly. Anne followed suit. They raced up to the boys and pretended like they weren't just grabbing about marriage. In all honestly the boys quite liked the thought and hoped it's what the future held. "Boys." The girls said in unison while strolling up-beside them. "Men" Gilbert corrected. They both laughed lightly before nearing the school yard and walking through the mahogany doors.

Have not proof read!
I hope you enjoyed the gossip sesh the girls had about the boys. I thought it was sweet.

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