13 | Angels we have heard in high

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The room was quiet. It had been ages since Gilbert strummed a guitar. Once upon a time he was quite the prodigy. But things had been stalled recently. The curly headed boy was fiddling with the nobs towards the stem. He strummed in lightly every few seconds before he sighed and sat up right.

He looked across the room to see the food being handed out and the students thanking the staff. He waited a bit for things to quiet down. They all returned their admirable gaze as he began to strum the guitar.

Gilbert looked around the room, stoping once his eyes met a particular red heads. "Only if Anne comes and sings." He Demanded. "Then I guess we just won't hear the song." She replied bitterly. Moody began to whine dramatically. "Anne! Please just sing!" He cried. She huffed and puffed before slowly dragging herself to the stage. Once she was in earshot she whispered to Gilbert. "I don't want to cause a scene." Gilbert chuckled to himself.

It went really quiet once again, Anne noticed the shadows flickering from the dimly lit furnace. "What song?" She questioned. "Well in the spirit of Christmas so soon, how about Angels we have heard on high." The students cheered excitedly. Anne leapt for joy, forgetting for a moment she was terribly upset with him.

He strum the guitar and they all hummed the tune until Anne started to sing. Everyone was surprised at the power of Anne's voice.  He strummed the last note and that chord would be permanently instilled into all of their minds, even Nasty Josie Pyes.

This chapter is short and sucks but I haven't updated in forever so take what you can get. New chapter today or tomorrow FOR REAL.

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