22 | Memories cascading in

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"Don't forget about the Charity Ball!" Miss Stacey called while the children exited. Anne perked up for just a moment while a thought flashed through her. "Dear Diana, why couldn't we attend the ball together? We are best friends aren't we?"

"Well Anne that's not the way it works. You have to go with a boy." Anne was puzzled. She'd much prefer spending the time with Diana.

"Well who are you going with?"

"Jarlie I mean- Charlie, or Jerry. I don't know," Diana looked down, squinting her eyes at a pebble on the ground, watching how much farther it looked the more she looked at it.

"Well who should I ask?"

"That isn't how it works. A boy asks you. Don't worry I'm sure Gilbert will ask you."

While the girls were walking Gilbert had cought up with them. Waiting for the right moment to pardon them.

"Why would Gilbert ask me?"

"Because he likes you." Diana laughed

"If he liked me why wouldn't he have told me already?"

"Fear of rejection."

"Why would I reject him?"

"Well when you first got here he called you -" Gilbert assumed this was the best time to interrupt.

"Diana, Anne! How are you?" He pushed himself up next to Anne, stealing a few glances while Diana talked.

Shortly after they arrived at Diana's stop, Gilbert and Anne parted with her while following the trail to green gables.

"So Anne I've been meaning to ask you-" Before he could finish she cut him off.

"Gilbert is it true we kissed? That what the girls have told me." Gilbert flushed red. Words got cought in his throat while Anne didn't seem to have issues.

"Well um- its more complicated then that." Gilbert rubbed the back of his neck waiting for a reply.

"Why Gilbert. All day the girls have been avoiding certain topics about you. They insist something happened that made me irrational." She fumed.

Gilbert stopped walking and turned to her. She looked deep in his eyes for only a moment before she felt him lean in, in a split second she felt there lips touch. His hands cupped her cheeks for a moment, pulling away she cought a glimpse of his eyes. That's when everything came flooding back.

"I do like you."

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