Chapter 13: Dance Dance No Solution

Start from the beginning

(3rd person view)

"So what is it you want again Adam?" Cinder asks over her scroll.
"Our terms have slightly changed. I've received word from Sienna Khan that Bruce Lee May be a potential threat." Adam explains.
"I recall his brat of a student being a pain but why would he get involved?"
"If (Y/N) (L/N) is seriously injures trying to interfere with our plan, The Dragon himself may show himself."
"So what are you saying?" Cinder asks.
"If you want the White Fang's cooperation in the future, we ask of you to take out Bruce Lee."

(Timeskip: the dance)
(Also back to 2nd person view)

The time had finally came. The dance had begun. Couples twirling and dancing about on the dance floor and others enjoying the company. In the absence of Team CFVY, Team RWBY had outdone themselves, decorating and coordinating the dance. Meanwhile, Yang stood at the front entrance greeting people as they entered the dance.
"Hello Team JNPR! You all look amazing." Yang said observing her fellow classmates.
While Jaune and Ren wore matching tuxedos, Pyrrha wore a red dress that ended by the bottoms of her feet while Nora was clad in a pink dress with a furrowed skirt that ended around her knees. Of course, Jaune was holding Pyrrha's hand while Nora and Ren were locking arms.
"Why thank you Yang, you look great in that dress." Pyrrha said, complementing the white dress Yang wore.
"Would you guys happen to know where (Y/N) is?" Yang asked.
Just then you walk up arm in arm with Both Weiss and Blake, dawning your silver tux. Weiss was in a dress similar to Nora's except all white and Blake was wearing a purple dress with a see through black top underneath. You had a smile on your face while everyone turned to look at you and your girlfriends as you walked up to the entrance.
"Woah (Y/N), your looking sharp." Yang comments.
     "Thanks, how are you guys doing?" You ask the group standing at the front.
     After some compliments and small talk you all decided to go dance. You switched off between Weiss and Blake, dancing with the two equally while stunning everyone around you. To your surprise, you saw Ozpin, Ms. Goodwitch, General Ironwood, and Master Lee on the balcony having a good time.
     "I'm gonna say hi to Master Lee, would two like to come with?" You ask Weiss and Blake.
     "Why not." Blake responded with a smile.
     "Of course." Weiss said.
     As you approached the group you caught their attention before you could speak.
     "Ah, Mister (L/N). I see your enjoying extra company tonight." Ozpin said noticing the two girls with you.
     "Yes, I couldn't be more happy to have these two by my side." You say.
     "(Y/N), the tux is looking good on you." Master Lee tells you.
     "Thank you Master. It's s surprise seeing you here at the dance."
     "Well, I had the night off and thought I'd stop by. Now if I recall you two are Weiss and Blake?" He asks pointing at the two respectively.
"Yes, it's an honor to see you again Mister Lee." Weiss says curtseying.
"It's also nice to be able to talk to you again, Mister Lee." Blake says.
"Oh drop the formalities now, you two are my pupils girlfriends. Call me Bruce." He states.
Your girlfriends start to talk with your Master, him telling embarrassing stories of you training and then laughing. While this is going on you notice Pyrrha walking off by herself. Noticing this, you quickly catch up to her only to see her looking off the balcony with a sad face.
"Now what with the long face?" You ask.
Pyrrha jumps a bit, turning around to face you and smile.
"It's nothing." She quickly says, only for you to shoot her a 'really' look.
"Well, it's more complicated."
"Go ahead, we have time."
"Well, I feel happy with Jaune. But he sees this as us going as friends and nothing else. I love how close we are but I feel I'm never going to get through to him." She explains.
"Then cherish these memories and move on." You say.
After sitting on these words for a minute, Pyrrha smiles and nods, thanking you for your comfort.
"If I may ask something though, you said you had two crushes. Jaune was obvious, but who was the second?" You ask.
Pyrrha sighs, looking at you with her emerald green eyes.
"It was you, (Y/N). You were other person I had feelings for."
While you took this in, you were met with an embrace from Pyrrha. However before you could do anything, a loud ahem could be heard from the balcony entrance.
"Weiss? Blake? How long have you been there?" You ask nervous, hoping they don't take this the wrong way.
"Since Pyrrha said she liked you." Blake bluntly says.
"And if she wants, we're willing to share." Weiss claims, crossing her arms.
You stood wide eyed while Pyrrha's smile grew ever wider.
"Now what are we waiting for? Let's go back and have fun!" Pyrrha says dragging you back to the dance while you still were processing what the fuck just happened.
Back inside, Nora had dragged you and Pyrrha into your coordinated dance and somehow, you didn't fuck up

(A/N: imagine you dancing with them and Jaune still in his tux)

(Bruce Lee p.o.v.)

After seeing (Y/N) and his friends dance, I don't know weather to be impressed or laugh. The kid was never good at dancing somehow and it baffled me considering how he has some of the most powerful kicks in all of Remnant. While observing the crowd, I witness a girl with green hair go up to (Y/N) and start some small talk with him. That kid is surely full of surprises.
"Oz, there's an alert at the CCT." Ironwood says out of nowhere.
"I'll check it out with you, it could be what we've been fearing." I say.
As the general and I make our way to the CCT towers, we notice incapacitated guards everywhere. We quickly shake this off as we head upstairs to the main terminal. Once there we see Ruby holding off a woman clad in all black dawning a mask and wielding a bow.
"Ruby, fall back." Ironwood says.
The mystery woman sets eyes on me and immediately draws an arrow aimed at me. The second she lets it go I get into a stance and grab the arrow, breaking it in half.
"My turn." I say smirking.
     I activate my semblance, glowing a bright gold while glowing dragon tattoos appear on my arms.

     I activate my semblance, glowing a bright gold while glowing dragon tattoos appear on my arms

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(A/N: now imagine him with the tattoos mentioned earlier)

     The masked attacker tries attacking me again, this time charging for me. Ironwood hits the floor as I punch the attacker in the chest, causing a sudden blast of light to emerge on impact. The punch sends the attacker flying back, hitting a terminal before falling. Clutching their chest, the attacker summons a sword made of what appears to be glass and throws it at me. I bring my hands to my sides, channeling as much energy to my fists before launching both fists forward, releasing an energy dragon at the attacker. The energy dragon launches the attacker out the window before dispersing to nothing.
     "Is she dead?" Ironwood asks.
     "Dead? No. But I doubt we'll be seeing her much anymore." I say.

(Timeskip: after the dance)
(3rd person view)

     Cinder sat wounded on her bed while Emerald helped treat what she could. The soon to be fall maiden was lucky to come out with a fractured rib and some major bruises.
     "So there goes our plan, at least Emerald got something out of it." Mercury points out, alluding to the fact that Emerald had gotten fairly close to (Y/N) at the dance.
     "Not entirely, we still have plan B." Cinder says weakly staring at something.
     Mercury turns to see what his boss is looking at, a pill bottle and a bottle of poison.

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