"I see." I said.

"It's a relief, really. Nagisa-sensei managed to fight back." Stella averts her gaze and looks at the afternoon sky as she said this.

"Too bad that we couldn't back him up just like what we have planned at first why we're doing this." I said so with a sympathetic tone.

"It's fine. At least we managed to train by ourselves even without Nagisa-sensei. We'll show him one day about the results of our training." Stella said.

I came to agree with her though. Now that we've spent 2 weeks training ourselves in this dojo, I feel like I want to show this off to our club adviser. I wonder, how would he react?

"Oh look! It's getting late! We better tell the others to call it a day and go home." Stella looks up at the darkened-orange sky once again and decided to end our daily club training activities.

I nodded at her idea and went inside the dojo to tell everyone to go back home.

I can't wait for tomorrow...


The next day...

"What?!? Nagisa-sensei's absent today?!" I accidentally shouted in front of our Philosophy Teacher when I talked to her after her class and asked if she knew something about Nagisa-sensei's whereabouts.

She did know, but unfortunately, she told me that Nagisa-sensei's been absent since yesterday. Well, I understand that part because they had a court trial that he needed to attend, but apparently, he's absent today because he had a fever, according to Hotaru-sensei.

"I'm sorry. But that's all what I can tell you. I'll be going now, I still have another class." Hotaru-sensei said before leaving.

But, what should we do now if Nagisa-sensei isn't here?

Time Skip >>>

"Well that's unfortunate." Natsumi sighed before leaning into the desk with a sad expression on her face.

"I thought that we could really start our club activities in Nagisa-sensei's old classroom again." Hikari did the same but leaned at the backrest of her chair.

"What should we do, Aoba?" While Stella was preparing tea for everyone, she asked me this.

Everyone gazed at me and looks at me while waiting for my next words.

"Hmmm... Hotaru-sensei did say that Nagisa-sensei's absent, so... how about we pay him a visit?" There, I finally said it.

"That's a great idea!" Hikari exclaimed.

After what I suggested, everyone else agreed to it and we all decided to pay Nagisa-sensei a visit. The club immediately thought about bringing a gift, so Stella and Natsumi went ahead of us while the rest of us walked towards our shoe lockers to change and go outside.

Meanwhile, before any of that, I went to the faculty to look for Hotaru-sensei to ask for Nagisa-sensei's address. She gave me a small piece of paper with an address on it, expressed my gratitude, and went on our way.


Now that Natsumi and Stella had joined us, we head to Nagisa-sensei's home together.

Though it took us maybe 12 minutes to reach it while walking, we were still pretty excited but also pretty nervous. Mixed feelings caught us up, but despite all of that, we still wanted to check our beloved club adviser out to see if he's doing okay.

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