He looked down.

Just one step.

That's all it would take.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes.

His foot began to shuffle towards the edge.

Just one more step and then...


The voice caused Tony to freeze.

"Tony what are you doing?" it was Bruce.

The billionaire's voice was quiet and broken when he answered, "Go away, Bruce. Just leave me alone."

"No, Tony. Get off the ledge and we'll talk about it."

"Talk about it!" His voice began to rise in anger, "What's there to talk about?"

He could hear Bruce walking up behind him, but he didn't move.

"Listen," the doctor said, his voice wavering slightly. "I know how you feel, okay? I get it. You think you're better off dead. You think it's better for everyone, but it's not. People need you, Tony."

A bitter laugh escaped Tony's lips. "Need me? You must be thinking of someone else."

"Tony, please. Just come down and talk to me. Think of Pepper. What would happen if she woke up tomorrow and you were dead? How do you think she'd feel?"

Tony gave another laugh, but it was weaker than before. "Relieved?"

"Tony," Bruce said softly. "You know that's not true."

There was silence while Tony gave one more look down. Sighing, he climbed back onto the roof. He barely made it off of the wall before he slid down. Bruce rubbed his face as he sat down beside him.

Tony shook his head slightly, "What are you doing here Bruce?"

"Jarvis said you needed me," the doctor answered. "I think he was right."

"He shouldn't have woken you up. I would have been fine."

Bruce shook his head, "I wasn't sleeping anyway. The Other Guy hasn't been too fond of my dreams recently."

"I can relate." Silence. "you shouldn't have stopped me. It would have been okay."

"It's not okay Tony. The team needs you."

"No one needs me, just needs my money." He was starting to slur. He hadn't sat still in one place for more than a few minutes, and his lack of sleep was getting the best of him.

"You know that's not true Tony. This team needs you. Not your money, not your suits. You."

"Hmm," Tony answered, his head leaned against the wall and his eyes closed.

"Maybe you should get some sleep."

The billionaire's eyes snapped open, "No, I'm good."

Bruce stood up and reached for Tony's hand, and the billionaire reluctantly accepted.

"Come on, it's time to get some sleep. Doctor's orders."

Tony offered a small laugh as he staggered back into the tower.



It was almost eight when the call came. Natasha was already up, she didn't sleep much. Wasn't used to getting much anyway.

They all assembled in the main room. Clint came in yawning and muttering under his breath. Bruce was quiet, and kept throwing odd looks at Tony. Tony was giving Bruce his own annoyed glances, but Natasha didn't have time to figure out what was going on. Thor was in Asgard, making it all the more important that they were all on their game.

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