4. The Game

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Greetings! I had planned to have this part up sooner, but I'm a major procrastinator, sorry. Let me know what you think!

I also wanted to say that this chapter is greatly based off an absolutely amazing fic called "Helpless" by WordsAblaze. It's an absolutely amazing fic and I highly recommend it. (It's a torture fic involving Tony Stark and Peter Parker. Trust me, it's heartbreakingly amazing) It's on Wattpad, Fanfiction, and Archive of Our Own.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Betaed by Melpen00.

Betaed by Melpen00

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Day 2

Tony - The Cell

Tony woke to the sound of a gasp. Sitting up quickly, he looked around until he found the source of the noise. On his far right was Captain America, sitting against the wall and gasping. Even from the distance, he could see that Steve was shaking and sweating profusely. Stark slowly crawled over to him.

"Cap?" he said, still approaching. The Captain's eyes snapped to the inventor. The raw fear in his eyes seemed to subside as he realized who was speaking.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked, lightly touching Steve's shoulder.

He gave a small hiss, causing Tony to snatch his hand back."

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"No, I'm fine, it-it's just still healing," the super soldier responded.

" You're shaking," Stark observed, trying not to let the worry sink in. Was he getting sick? Did they injure him worse than was realized? Was there internal bleeding? Was he developing a fever?

Steve slowly lifted his hand in front of his face. "It happens."

Realization dawned on Tony. A dream. Captain America had had a nightmare. He didn't judge him. He himself had them all the time. But he hadn't really expected it from Steve. He should have. He had witnessed the soldier's anxiety attacks, so what made him think the man was immune to dreams?

"Do you want to talk about it?" The sympathy in his own voice was a surprise.

Rogers shook his head. "I'm fine." Tony shot him a sceptical look.

"Really," Steve insisted, "go back to sleep."

Reluctantly, Tony crawled back into his corner. Within minutes, he was back asleep.

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