17. Attack

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Hya! Here's the next chapter, let me know what you think!

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Day 12


"Are you ready Steven?" Dr Zuger asked, smiling.

Steve nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Now, how do you like your shield?" he motioned towards the wayward captain, who reached behind himself to grab his new shield. It wasn't vibranium, he could tell that much. But then again, why would he want vibranium when it would only remind him of that traitorous Stark? He couldn't remember why he was traitorous, only that he was.

The captain's new shield was black with a red circle around the edge and the Hydra symbol painted red in the middle.

"It works nicely, but it's not a strong as my, uh, my other one." He frowned. Other one? Oh, right, the one he used when he was with the Avengers.

He thought he caught a slight smile on Zuger's face, but when he looked again, it was replaced by a concerned expression, "Is something wrong, Steven?"

"Uh, no, nothing is wrong, I just... forgot about something." Bits and pieces of memories kept floating in and out of his brain. Zuger looked like he was about to offer reassurance, but Rubrem and Sir walked in.

"Are you aware of your mission?"

Steve nodded, coming to attention, "Yes, Sir."

"Are we sure we can trust him?" Mori sneered, crossing his arms. "How do we know he isn't just faking to get out of here?"

The doctor smiled, "I assure you he won't. He wants his месть. Isn't that right Steven?"

A glint of hatred appeared in Steve's eye as he felt another piece of himself fall away. Another memory flashed before his mind, a memory from a long time ago. Bucky, his friend, falling from a train. And it was all Stark's fault. "Yes, месть,"

"Then go," Sir said, "Get your месть. Get your revenge."

A smirk, then, "Yes, Sir."



"Bored," Tony said, swiping on his phone. "Bored," another swipe. "Bored."

"Would you stop that!" Natasha snapped from her position on the couch with Clint.

Tony groaned, "Pepper locked me out of my workshop again. I have nothing to do!" He whined, "Is the old pirate going to give us a mission or not?"

Bruce looked up from the book he was reading, "Tony, you know why there haven't been any missions. With everything-"

"I know," Tony said quickly. Catching an odd look from Clint, he looked down and resumed his mindless scrolling. "Maybe I can go hack the Pentagon again," he mumbled.

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