16. Hate

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Day 11


"Bruce, is this what I think it is?" he whispered, staring at the screen. He knew when he set up JARVIS to hack and decrypt Hydra's files that they would bring back some unpleasant memories. He didn't expect it to affect him so much.

The doctor nodded. "What did you say it was called? The Truth Room?"

Tony's stomach twisted at the very mention of the name. "Uh, yeah. The Truth Room. Why are you showing this to me?"

Bruce gave him a sympathetic look. "I think there's something you need to hear."

They both watched as a man was dragged into the room and placed in a chair. Stark felt his chest tighten. "Cap," he whispered.

Steve didn't try to fight, he just allowed himself to be cuffed to the chair. He was shivering uncontrollably, and Tony could barely stand to watch. Then Mori Rubrem appeared, holding a small knife in his hand.

"Ah, hello Captain. I believe we should simply get down to business." Then Rubrem brought the knife down, implanting it in Cap's shoulder. Steve let out a muffled cry.

Stark clenched his hand, fighting off the panic that was welling up within him.

"Ah, regaining composure are we? Don't think I didn't notice your submission. Or the fact that you were shivering in a room that is over eighty degrees Fahrenheit." The knife was removed quickly, and, judging from Steve's reaction, quite painfully.

Tony hated this. He hated watching it happen. It had been bad enough seeing the aftermath.

"Hydra's not going to come at you with a pocket knife," Rubrem said pushing the blade into Steve's other shoulder.

Where was this conversation going? What did this have to do with anything?

"Howard?" Steve whispered.

"Howard?" Tony echoed, looking at Bruce.

The doctor had turned away, not looking at the screen. "Just listen,"

"Ah, so you remember! All the better for me." Mori pulled out the knife and dropped it onto a small tray. "You know Captain, I just hate keeping secrets. So I'm going to let you in on one now." the man leaned forward so he was whispering in Steve's ear. Tony had no idea how the feed still picked it up. "He was working for us the whole time."

"He was..." Tony felt like someone had punched him in the gut. "Howard was... My father was Hydra?"

Bruce didn't answer.

"Yes, Captain I'm referring to Howard Stark." The German who haunted the billionaire's nightmares picked up the blade and began cleaning off the blood. "It was quite helpful having someone on the inside. Someone to let us know what was going on." He leaned forward again, "Someone to tell us when you were to board a certain train. Someone to ensure the capture of one James Barnes."

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