15. месть

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Guys, I am so sorry. *Hides face* I should have updated before now. This is a longer chapter, so hopefully, it will make up for it! This chapter takes things a little bit differently, especially with Cap. Let me know what you think.

Anyway, I've made you wait long enough!

Anyway, I've made you wait long enough!

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Day 10


"Tony, I'm serious. You need to go to bed," Pepper said. Her crossed arms seemed severe, but did not hide the concern in her eyes. 

Stark laughed  harshly, "Aww Pep, who needs sleep? Psh. I don't. I'm the great T'ny Stark!" He picked up a screwdriver and held it up in the air victoriously.

"Tony, you’re drunk, let's get you to your room. Okay?" she said slowly. 

"And 'm tellin' you," he slurred, pointing the tool at Pepper. "I'm fine."

She sighed. "If you don't stop this I'll call -" she paused momentarily. Tony looked at her, slightly startled. There was no question in his alcohol-muddled mind as to who she was about to threaten him with. Steve. He may not remember much in his drunken state, but that was the threat most often used. 

"Natasha," she finished quietly. "I'm sure she wouldn't think twice about forcing you to bed."

He dropped the screwdriver and crossed his arms, pouting. 


Pepper sighed in relief, "Jarvis -"

"I'll take care of everything down here Ms Potts. You ensure Master Stark gets to bed."

Pepper nodded gratefully and moved to help a very sleep deprived, very drunk Tony Stark.


Gunshots. Three loud gunshots in succession. Blood. Blood everywhere. Nothing he could do. Nothing he could do. 




Nothing he could do.

He ran towards the bleeding figure, pulling the man's head into his arms.

"Please," he whispered. "Please Steve, don't do this to me." The end came out in a sob.

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