"You make it out as if I have NO chance with her whatsoever!" Julian argued.

"Who wants another Latte or whatever we are drinking?" Charlotte intervened, trying to diffuse the growing tension in the rather small, cozy cafe.  

"If she's in New York RIGHT now, I want to take her out for dinner!" He told his brother, ignoring poor Charlotte.

"Well, she probably ain't, so tough!" Sean gave some tough love. "Give her time! She's obviously got a very busy schedule and life being a doctor and I'm sure she doesn't actually have the time to unhealthily stalk people on social media platforms!" 


Sean couldn't have been closer to the truth about her.

She didn't have precious time to waste, by spending hours in front of a screen. She barely had time for herself to relax and unwind. Her Instagram page was merely to promote the work she did in the medical field and the causes she was passionate about.

With her phone in her hand and the ability to hear their conversation from across the cafe, she did load Instagram, where she searched for a foundation she was keen to support, clicking the follow button with a smile she then gazed over to Julian's table.

Before she could witness his reaction to her notification, the door to the cafe flung open and a child, in tears and clearly very distressed, screamed "we need help! Is there any police, or firefighters or doctors here? There's been a shooting down the street near the Dakota!"

Sean's face paled and he immediately rang his Mother's number, relieved when she picked up.

 Emmaline grabbed her bag and rushed out the door, ready for the horror and carnage that was about to greet her.

It was a lonely life being a Doctor.


By the time she had finally reached the scene, the gunman had been arrested and was nowhere to be seen.

Five people, however, had been shot, two already fatal.

The police were already marking the scene and keeping people at bay. There were no signs of paramedics or medical assistance for these poor people.

"Dr Emmaline Hatchford" She announced to the Detective in charge of the case "can I be of assistance?"

"If you can work your magic lady...go  ahead!" He growled.

"Has anyone got any sheets?" She called to the sea of people surrounding the scene. "And please everyone, this is a crime scene! Show some respect!"

Moments later, staff from the Dakota came out with white sheets and the deceased were given the dignity they deserved. 

She pulled a  first aid kit out of her bag and knelt down beside a middle-aged woman, who was lying on her back clutching her stomach which was bleeding. 

"Hello, I'm Dr Emmaline Hatchford, would you allow me to help you, Ma'am?" She asked gently as she put on a pair of gloves.

"I don't want to die!" She sobbed "please, don't let me die, Doctor!"  

"I am going to do everything to make sure you live, can you tell me your name?" Emmaline asked.

"It's Sandra" the woman sobbed "Emmaline, it hurts!"

"I know it does Sandra, but I'm here!" Emmaline continued to reassure her. She had twenty-five years of experience, she was a natural at this.

"You know what my favourite song is, Doctor?" Sandra asked.

"Tell me, Sandra, talk to me!" Emmaline encouraged as she began to treat her on the scene, right on W 72nd Street, just a couple buildings up from the legendary Dakota building.

She began to sing "You may say I'm a dreamer" Emmaline smiled as she applied a pad to the bullet wound to stop the bleeding, that was her main concern. "We were on our way to Strawberry Fields and to see the Dakota, Doctor. I love John Lennon! Do you think he suffered much, you know, on that night?"  

 "He wouldn't have had much time to suffer Sandra," Emmaline told her, there weren't many people that hadn't heard of the fate of the legendary John Lennon.

There were other paramedics on site now and were attending to the other shooting victims.

"Why do people find it necessary to shoot other innocent people, Emmaline?" She asked as a paramedic crouched down beside them.

"For many unforgivable and unthinkable reasons Sandra, we're going to get you onto a stretcher now, and into an ambulance to the nearest hospital!"

Sandra smiled as the other paramedics took over and left Emmaline to stand back and have a breather.

"Five people shot, two dead, two critical and one, the least injured. Five best friends making the annual trip to Strawberry Fields to honour a legendary man, only to be gunned down by a maniac having a bad day! What is happening to this messed up world, Dr Hatchford?" Another detective asked as he came to stand beside her.

"I don't know Sir, but it is a lonely life being a Doctor!" Came her only reply.     

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