Saeyoung gets hurt

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Today you woke up and saeyoung wasn't in the room or even the apartment

You get up and find a note it basically said he went out to get some food for you and him because you were running out

You smile

*I love him so much but I'm just upset he faked his death but it was to protect me so maybe I'll stop being stubborn and forgive him maybe I will*

You just sit on your bed and pull out your laptop and work

|Time skip|

Suddenly you heard a thump from the other side of the door

You walk over and open it to see saeyoung on the floor in pain



You help him up and lay him down on the bed

Tears were in your eyes

"Please don't die saeyoung."

"I'll be fine the bullet didn't go far enough into me for me to die."

"You got shot by who?"

"It was an accident some people were trying to rob the store I was in and they happened to shoot me. But it wasn't far from here so I got here."

You grab the med kit and wrap the wound up you than went into the chat room and asked for help

Y/n has entered the chatorom

Yoosung: hey sis what's up?

"Brother help me please."

Jumin: y/n are you in danger is seven ok?


Yoosung: saeyoung who?

Jumin: y/n please explain who saeyoung is

Zen: I'm sorry who?

Jaehee: is saeyoung a friend of yours?

"No Saeyoung is sevens real name but that doesn't matter please help him!!! He might die I can't let him die on me I CAN'T LOSE HIM AGAIN!!!"

Your vision goes blurry because tears were welling up in your eyes so you set you phone down

"Y/n." Saeyoung says and you wipe your eyes and hug him

"Stay with me don't die please."

"I'm not gonna die y/n."

You pull Saeyoung into a kiss

Saeyoung kisses you back

You both pull away and you go to the chat room


"Saeyoung I'm gonna bring you to my brothers place ok?"


You help Saeyoung up and help him to your brothers place

When you got there your brother immediately opened the door

"Ok come on in."

You help Saeyoung to the couch and lay him down

"Look seven you need to go to the hospital and get your wound checked out even if you don't wanna worry my sister you did get shot it could get infected."

"If I go to the hospital please keep your sister here and keep her safe until I return."

"I promise."

"And y/n don't do any work either until I get back."

"I have to work."

"I know it was worth a try right?"

"Jumin will be here to take you to the hospital."

|Time skip|

Jumin arrived and before Saeyoung left you kissed him again

"You promise me you won't DIE ON ME SAEYOUNG!!

Saeyoung nods as a body guard helps him up

"I promise."

After Saeyoung was gone you started to cry and Yoosung hugged you

"It'll be ok."

"I hope so."

*Please god don't let him die I'll forgive him just don't let him die I need him in my life I promise I won't be stubborn just don't take him from me*

Yoosungs sister Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang