Saving saeran

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|A few weeks later|

Today saeyoung said he found where saeran was

"Ok so are we going?"

"Later tonight yes and we'll bring him to my bunker and stay there."

You nod and pack your stuff and you put the pregnancy test in your purse and kept it with you

|Later that night|

You put your stuff in the car and get In as you wait for saeyoung

You had gotten your hacking stuff so you could hack as saeyoung drives

A few minutes later saeyoung gets in

"Ok let's go see my brother."

You nod

|Time Skip|

You got to a place called mint eye and you and saeyoung went inside

You had gotten something else that Saeyoung showed you along time ago

It was a disk with pictures of Saeran

You and saeyoung reach the intelligence room

"We may not run into saeran but if we do then I don't know."

You nod

"We'll knock him out and kidnapped him." You say proud of the plan

"No we somehow convince him."

As Saeyoung was running a program saeran walked in

"Well, well, well what do we have hear?"

"Two idiots." You say leaning your arm on saeyoung shoulder

"I only see one."

"yup I know I'm one sorry about that." You say and saeran shakes his head and points to saeyoung



"Don't say my name! With that filthy mouth of yours."

You sigh

"Saeran come with us please."

"Give me one good reason why I should come with you both!" Saeran says laughing knowing you probably couldn't think of one

"Well saeyoung told me not to tell him until you were safe but."

Saeyoung as eyes widen


"Saeran if you come with us then you get to be an uncle." You say and Saeran stopped he didn't move and you saw a bit of the boy you first met but it was quickly gone and he finally he spoke

"Ha Saeyoung got his girlfriend pregnant I don't care."

"You do though I see it in your eyes Saeran your hurting." You say as Saeyoung was to stunned to speak

"I'm not i'm happy here!"

"Happy in a cult?"

"It's not a–"

"Yes it is this is a cult and your to blind to see it."

"I'm not going anywhere with a liar."


"He lied he said he would always be there with me but then he abandons me!"

"He had to do that to protect you I thought you knew."


You give up and knock saeran out

"Now ok saeyoung lets go."


"Come on lets go before he wakes up."

"I thought I said no to knocking him out."

"Well too bad I did you were out of it so that was the only thing I could do."

Saeyoung nods and carries saeran to the car

You get in as Saeyoung put him in the back

"Ok but what if he wakes up?"

You get out and sit in the back

"He won't hurt me so I'll just knock him out again."


"Hey it's a good idea now drive."

Saeyoung nods and as he was driving he kept thinking about what you said

*Shes pregnant.......Knew it*

Yoosungs sister जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें