The twins

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"Their names our Ethan and Grayson choi."

"Cool lets go see them." Saeran says and saeyoung looks back over at you who was being cleaned up and stuff like that

When saeyoung and saeran went to see Ethan and Grayson they gave saeyoung them both and saeyoung was smiling so much

"Hey guys I promise to protect you both with all my heart nothing bad will ever happen as long as I'm around." Saeyoung says to them as he tickles Ethan's cheek which makes him laugh as Grayson grabs saeyoung finger which made saeyoung smile and a few tears rolled down his cheek

*Welcome to the world guys I love you both so much already*

|Time skip|

You had gotten changed into a new pair of clothes as saeyoung was putting the twins in their car seats getting ready to go

"Now y/n when we get home you rest ok." Saeyoung says and you nod as saeran took one of the twins and saeyoung took the other

"Thanks for helping saeran your awesome." You say and saeran shrugs

"Ok cool."

|Time skip|

By the time you all left it was super late like it was 6 or 8 am and when you all get home saeyoung put the twins in their cribs and you went straight back to sleep and saeyoung first set the baby monitor up before he went back to sleep with you and you both cuddled until the twins cried and you had to get up and feed them both and saeyoung decided to stay up until you came back in if your gonna have to suffer he'll suffer with you 

*I'm happy the twins are born I can't believe in a father gosh I'm so tired already but being tired will be so worth it in the future*

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