Overprotective much?

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A hell lot. You have to tell him where you're going and what time you'll be back and who you're with and stuff..

Not really. He thinks you are trustworthy enough

Not really

Yes but not like Dean. He will kill anyone who lays a finger on you. He has been telling you to get the anti possession tattoo for a while

Eh kind of. It's more you're overprotective of him because you don't want him to do anything stupid

Yeah. He like a total dad. He checks every inch of your body to make sure you weren't with another boy

No. He trusts you

Kind of. Everytime you come back he's just standing by the door to ask you a bunch of questions on where you were, what the person shoe size is, is your underwear still on. That type of crap

Yeah. He printed out these sheets of paper. So every time you go out and come back, he gives you a sheet with questions that asks you a lot of questions. Then you have to turn it in once you're done

Not really. He trusts you and he knows you can handle things

Thanks guys :)

Supernatural preferences Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora