You hate-, He hates-

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You hate it when Dean  keeps things from you that happened months ago. You are an honest person and even if its a small thing you still hate it 

Dean hates it when you spend to much time with other people than him 


You hate it when Sam teases you about your height. Especially when you are in a bad mood  

Sam hates it when you go into a care free and f*ck everything attitude 


You hate it when Cas spends more time with the Winchesters than you and when he just disappears and doesn't even give you details

Cas hates it when you argue with him 


You hate Crowley's complaining. You never complained about anything but he'd do it non stop 

Crowley hates it when you play your drums too loudly and when you don't take his side in arguments  


You hate it when Gabriel leaves candy wrappers everywhere and leaves the toilet seat up

Gabriel hates it when you hide or eat all of his sweets  


You hate it when Lucifer thinks he is right all the freaking time and doesn't care what you think

Lucifer hates it when you don't pay attention and are never home 


You hate it when Garth laughs at a joke that literally happened 10 minutes ago (we've all had this friend lol) and sometimes he doesn't take things seriously 

Garth hates it when you put yourself down. You've been friends for a long time and he can't bear when you talk badly about yourself 

I'm writing a big chapter so I might be doing fillers for a bit but I promise I will get it done. Thank you for all the reads. Does any one else love NF? My aunt loves him a lot lol. Okay byee

Sushi :) 

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