New years

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You both drink until one of you passes out

You both stay up really late, he's usually the first one of to fall asleep

He doesn't understand why (same Cass same) but he's glad to stay up with you since he doesn't sleep

You both drink a little and then he falls asleep while you do whatever until you get bored and wake him up
Sex sex and more sex
He hates this holiday so you go to Dean and Sam because he's such a brat
He tells these jokes then after one beer, he goes wild so you end up taking care of a wild Garth
You don't let him drink too much because he gets one of those mood swings when he's drunk. He starts off as really nice, then really mean for some reason,  then cries as you yell at him to go to bed
You watch the ball drop as he doesn't pay attention to anything but his work
There's a lot of partying and drunkenness

Ketch (doing a ketch up later lol)
You both go to your apartment, away from Sam and Dean and just have a really good time together

Happy New Year's Eve. This book has 122 reads it's not a lot but 😭 thank you so much

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