The rise of Dick

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(Warning: swearing)

How you met

You're Charlie Bradbury's big sister.. Who is a bit of a trouble maker and just got back from military school (like Francis from Malcolm in the middle) because Charlie missed you and just bailed you out. She once took you to Roman Enterprises.. which you really didn't pay attention to but whatever. She took you home and you went skateboarding. Then there was a black limo parked in a driveway when you were going fast "MOVE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" you screamed and hopped off your skateboard. You fell on the sidewalk, scrapping your hand and ran after your skateboard. You were so angry. You kicked the  limo "SON OF A BITCH!" you screamed and when you stormed off the window rolled down "Y/n I wouldn't do that if I were you" A guy said, smirking "How the fuck do you know my name?" you shouted "Charlie Bradbury's big sister. Come get a bandage" You walked over there, with your bleeding hand and he gave you a my little pony band aid "Bitch" you rolled your eyes and smiled before walking off

First Date

Charlie was a bit skeptical about you going with him but she finally agreed after you said. Dick told you to put on a dress, because you hate dresses. "Ew" you said looking at them. So you put on a black dress with some Converse shoes and waited until Dick picked you up and bought you a new skateboard, to replace the other one. Then he took you out to a fancy restaurant . You both got into an argument in the car about everyone staring at you because about your outfit and playing with chopsticks, putting them in your nose like you were a walrus. After debating whether it was funny or not, you both laughed and made out  

 After debating whether it was funny or not, you both laughed and made out  

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(two GIFS in one chapter yay. I'm cracking up by the way)

What instrument do you play

Microphone, all the types of guitar , drums (just so you can annoy Charlie)

Best friends

Gabriel and Lucifer 

Who don't you get along with

Surprisingly you get along with everyone. Samandriel and Kevin can get under your skin sometimes but you still like them 

Your song 

I hate everything about you by Three Days Grace 

What type are you to him

The reckless one but is really sweet 


He spends time with you and Charlie and all the people you invite. You're mostly in the kitchen, cooking because everyone makes Dick jokes and you're cracking up 

You hate, He hates

You hate it when Dick ignores you. Even on dates 

Dick hates it when you copy everything he says

Based on what you hate about each other

Dick asked you out on another date to a bar and you said yes but he brought his followers. Again. 'I cancelled my  plans with Charlie for this bull shit?' you thought to yourself  "Oh Hell no" you mumbled and being the badass you were, you stole his car keys when he wasn't looking. You told the band to play a really loud song. Towards the end of the song he looked at you and so did you. You held up his car keys and jumped off the stage and got in the car, forcing Dick to walk home in the rain. You went over to Charlie's and played video games.

When you argue 

It gets really ugly. You scream and throw shit at him then you move in with Charlie for a few days 


He doesn't really trust you with shopping anymore. The last time you went shopping, you pranked a lot of people, scared the crap out of old ladies, and drew attention to yourself instead of going shopping. Then a employee caught you and sat you down. Since Charlie was busy and probably didn't want anything to deal with your shit, Dick had to come get you from his work and give you a lecture. So now he makes his henchmen do it


He's not good at hiding jealously so when you look away he tortures the guy until he promises he won't bother you again

The neighbourhood song that describes you guys 

Scary Love 

You love, he loves-

You love the way Dick tells you everything because you're the only person he can trust, despite your personality 

Dick loves your sweetness towards people even though it's not your typical thing. When Charlie was getting bullied you saw her at a club and while singing 'Mia Khalfia' (HIT OR MISS) you punched the girl and threatened to burn her house down  and throw her down 3 flights of stairs if she didn't leave Charlie alone. You once sang a cheesy song about loving Charlie and him. 

What makes Dick so hard to beat?

I had so much fun writing this lmao 


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