Your family

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Like I guess who your family is and do they like them 


Sibling: Garth (He's older than you) 

Parents: unknown 

Are you kidding? Garth loves Dean and he totally approves even though he might tease you for it


Father: Lucifer

Sibling: Jack 

Sam and Lucifer  hate each other but they never let it come between you (such sweethearts) 


Sibling: Adam Milligan (he's older)

Parents: Kate and John 

Like Sam and Dean, Adam is protective over you. But he trusts Castiel and you 


Father: Chuck 

Siblings: Gabriel, Lucifer, Micheal, Raphael (you're the youngest)

Chuck doesn't really approve but he's given him a chance 


Siblings: random  

Father: random

Your father is doing time (thank god) but your step father and mother love Gabriel! So do your siblings. He's taught your brother how to do tricks and your cat to shake hands.


Siblings: random

Parents: random

Your dad died when you were little but your mom doesn't disapprove she just doesn't know what you see in him. He gets more along with your brothers because they are just a bad as him 


Siblings: no one but Sam and Dean are like your brothers  

Parents: Your parents died when you were young so you're Bobby's and Karen Singer's niece 


Siblings: random

Parents: random

When you told your family you were dating Chuck, your mom laughed, your dad threw a lamp, and your siblings giggled. You and Chuck just stared at each other, really confused


Siblings: Sam and Dean (youngest)

Parents: John and Mary Winchester

Well Sam and Dean think that they are in charge of you so they are super overprotective of you. Sam is more lenient with you then Dean is like going on dates and stuff 

Dick Roman: 

Sibling: Charlie Bradbury (older)

Parents: Gertrude Middleton

He didn't meet your mom. Charlie is always confused on what you see in him and what he sees in you. But other than that she doesn't really care. 

I'm sorry for errors. I'm just getting over a breakup I'm a fu*king mess rn. But writing helps a lot. 

Love you guys 

Sushi :)

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