How you met

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You were a waitress at a diner and you took his order "I'll have 3 cherry pies  please" he smiled "You're serious?" You laughed and he shook his head "actually I'll take 4"


You were at a library, ignoring the weird stares you were getting from what you wearing and what shirt said (f*ck off lol that's what it said I didn't mean to anyone) you grabbed your book and ignored a girl that scooted away from you. (A/N this is gonna get cheesy) you dropped your book and went to grab it when a gentleman with really good looking hair touched your hand as he was trying to grab it also. "Sorry" you both said and he blushed "Wow the Divine Comedy. You have really good taste" he said "Um thanks" you grinned "Well I only look at the Inferno part. I guess that really interests me more" You said and he smiled "Well cool. I'm Sam" 


New job, New town you were hella nervous! You worked as a nurse 'Okay this won't be so bad suck it up y/n' You walked in and got situated and a nurse rushed to your room "help this man!" and she ran away before you could say anything. You sat him up and took care of his wounds "You should be more careful. You almost got a concussion. I think you should stay for a couple of days just to make sure you're okay..." He nodded and smiled at you "thank you Miss..." "y/n" you replied with a smile 


Sam and Dean asked you to baby sit Crowley and at first you hated him as he kept asking you questions. "Will shut up already?!" you frowned which only made him smirk "Ah Queen... what is your name love?" you rolled your eyes "Y/n and don't call me that" he chuckled "I will call you whatever I want love and Queen y/n... has a nice ring to it" 


You were a therapist in a new town and were filling in for your friend, who was Lucifers therapist. He'd advised you to be careful because Lucifer can be... Interesting. So you braced yourself and cleared for throat as you said "...Lucifer?" and he got up and smiled "I am y/n and I am  filling in your therapist.." you said as you walked into your office. Lucifer was staring at you but you just shrugged it off and began your therapy. Not once did he make a rude remark or did anything bad. 'what is up with this dude?' you wondered 


You were at a bar sitting alone ignoring every guy that tried to hit on you and just kept ordering drinks. A man sat next to you and grinned and you rolled his eyes 'here we go again' you thought "whiskey? Come on let me buy you something good beautiful" he said and slapped money on the table and ordered something for you and you blushed a bit "Um thanks" you mumbled "names Gabriel. Call me sweetie" he slipped you his number and disappeared 


You and Garth were childhood friends your family got along with Garth. But then you moved after your father got a new job you got a job as a dentist and you wouldn't believe who was there

Okay Mindless Self Indulgence is a really good band 11/10 alright I'm gonna study for 2 tests I have tomorrow bye bubs 

Sushi :)

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