True enemy or false friend

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Now they stand facing each other, to which the confrontation approaches, the silence will break, of which cries and laments will be heard but only one will sow the seeds of death ...

Kobayashi accompanied by Thoru looking at Elma face to face which became the enemy of most of her world, all this war would have to end, Kobayashi had in mind his victory ...

Elma: (with one hand covering his wound) you know ... if we had fought a long time ago they would beat me ... but, I trained and got a superior strength to yours together, despite the increase in strength I am still a simple mortal ... but a mortal who would annihilate them at all costs (he puts himself in a combat position with his spear) well ... who would prefer to attack them first or you to me?

In a matter of thousandths of a second, Thoru wanted to attack her from behind with a kick aimed at the head, but such had said ... Elma with one hand and without turning stops the dragon's kick.

Thoru: (seeing that reaction, try to flee, but it was late since Elma the subject) let go of me idiot ... (preparing an attack of energy from his mouth, loose a burst of his mouth) hehehe, I think you're not so list, is-wait what-what.

Kobayashi: (seeing that Thoru provoked like a mist by his attack he decides to enter) now if damn (with all the speed that he possesses and with his forces he gives a direct blow to the head) he dies.

When the sound stopped ... and the clouds began to disappear from the area, the dragon of chaos and neutral were amazed to see that the dragon of harmony had endured the hard blow ... Kobayashi was perplexed to such an act ... Elma on the other hand with Thoru in his hands, he decides to occupy it as a weapon which he uses throwing it against his beloved.

Elma: (with a little blood coming out through her mouth and nose) they see that they are nothing before me (with her spear in position to charge) but ... they were one step away from the glory and that's why I congratulate them ... but his time has come (going at a very high speed, ready to pierce) die

But when it was all finished ... a salvation came ... Elma sees before her as her spear is destroyed, which causes a unique pain, since that spear was part of his body, amid cries and screams, that dragon sees Lucoa before her.

Thoru: (seeing that familiar shadow, little by little he gets up) I knew you would come

Lucoa: (with her normal dress, only with a sword and shield) of course ... besides she must pay for her crimes (pointing her sword against the enemy) do not test your confidence as you will fall

Elma: hahahaha if one of my sudden defeated your sister, and I am twice as strong as them ... you will be a piece of cake (throws a barb from her arm) jeje

Lucoa did not move in the least, even the spikes did not pierce her skin, seeing this, Elma decides to attack hand to hand, which would be a mistake, since Lucoa was waiting for her with a blow, which leaves her already thrown with a somewhat alarming bleeding ... The ex-goddess orders Thoru and Kobayashi to find and rescue Kanna from the prison she was in ... the two went in search while she faced Elma.

Lucoa: (hitting her fiercely) I will make you suffer because of my damn sister


Kanna sleeping on the cold floor, gets up when she heard some footsteps, which her reaction was confused because when she heard the voices calmed her down ... but due to her state, she falls completely exhausted

Thoru: there is

Kobayashi: (with tears in his eyes) I hope he recovers ... let's get out of here


Elma already wounded to a degree of no longer able to get up, already has a plan with which to defeat Lucoa ... but it would cost her soul, so when she sees the impending loss, she surrenders to the gods for more power and defeats all ... a ray of light hits him, healing him 50% but it was not much but enough to match his enemy.

Lucoa: (with the sword in the neck of Elma) already gave your last words

Elma: remember (she throws a powder which disorients her)

Lucoa: argh damn now if (but seeing that there is nothing, only a jungle) this, this place is very familiar ... (while walking) wait (pulls his sword and shield) that's me pe-but (she feels herself destroying her cities and inhabitants) no no (but that being comes up to her and says)

Quetzalcoalt: I am your ... look at your home destroyed by yourself

Lucoa: no no

Quetzalcoalt: (grabbing her by the neck) hehe goodbye I (hits her hard)

Elma: (seeing her enemy fall) that simple but effective spell ... now follows Kobayashi and Thoru (with a wound in the ribs) before it falls

But before Elma could rise, he was hit by the back, it was Kobayashi, since Thoru went to the other world with Kanna and Lucoa.

Kobayashi: (wearing light clothes) it's time to defeat you

Elma: sure (gives him a hit with his claws, leaving him a wound) hahaha now my second blow (buries his sharp tail in the stomach)

Kobayashi, unable to react, decides to bite Elma's neck, which injects him with powerful poison, for which the blue dragon wants to separate her, but in doing so it is damaged to such an extent that she can not move her left arm ... Kobayashi being very hurt but still would not give up, I already had a plan, which starts

Elma: damn, where are you

Kobayashi: (grabbing her from the back) Thoru now

Elma: what, what this

A portal is created, where on the other side Thoru is seen with a spear which arrogates with all his strength a sharp metal tube, which went through Elma, but Kobayashi would narrowly free her, since she lost her right arm and see this Thoru is going to cure her.

Thoru: (after healing his beloved, he goes to where his enemy is already) in the end you ended up losing

Elma: (already with respiratory failure) no ... can not be argh

Kobayashi: (with a tight bandage to avoid bleeding) you yourself have just dug your grave, since you invoked the gods, even so I will see you again when I die (he points his finger at an attack of energy) one last thing Before die?

Elma: (almost dying and with tears accompanied by blood) tell Takiya to take care of Sayuri ... yes? (begins to close his eyes slowly) hehe goodbye, you were a good fighter ...

Kobayashi when he heard those words, he did not do anything ... he just left, but giving a passionate kiss to his beloved who supported her throughout this event.

she just left, but giving a passionate kiss to her beloved who supported her throughout this event

Everything came to an end ... but not at all ...

To continue --->

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now