Sad wings fill the sky with rage

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After the brutal fight, Kobayashi, Thoru and Fafnir go to what looks like an abandoned base, but sometimes the worst enemy is that everyone mistrusts their true nature ...

Kobayashi: (holding Thoru since he was still recovering) well this is the place where Kanna and Iruru are and the bastard of Elma

Thoru: I do not think Elma wins us, total three are better than one

Fafnir: (with a serious look) even so we must be careful

Out of nowhere appears a small girl who looked about 5 years but seeing the site only put on alert

Out of nowhere appears a small girl who looked about 5 years but seeing the site only put on alert

Fafnir: really, a girl in these places ... (I direct the voice) tell me who you are and what you do here

¿?: (With a loving voice) I am the one in charge of taking care of these places and you will not pass

Thoru: (with a mocking tone) haha ​​jump out of the way or I'll blow you into a thousand pieces (he grabs the shoulder of the little girl)

¿?: (Is agitated) nobody touches Destoya (with his small hand throws Thoru out of place)

Thoru: what the hell?

Kobayashi to see such act with his breath of fire, attacks the girl ... the result surprised her as it was not damaged in the least, making the girl angry

Destoya: (shaking their scales) you know ... I'm a dragon slayer since I'm a stronger being than them and I like to kill them for fun (with their claws creates a black sphere) now it's your turn

Fafnir: (seeing such acts decides to counterattack creating a sphere of a superior power) small brat now now

The legendary dragon, king of the necromancy throws his sphere against that monster that could defeat Thoru in one blow ... the impact of powers was such that it destroyed everything around ... there was nothing left

Kobayashi: (keeping his wing with which he covered his beloved and herself) that bastard as he could be strong

Fafnir: I told them not to trust ... argh

Destoya: (throwing a rock to Fafnir with a single clamp and the other disintegrated) you are forcing me to kill you

Destoya: (throwing a rock to Fafnir with a single clamp and the other disintegrated) you are forcing me to kill you

Thoru: now if I kill her (she goes flying towards her)

Destoya: (closes the eyes) final breath ...

Destoya lets loose a blaze so powerful that forced Thoru to deviate, but damaging a wing, such power was able to split several mountains in a row ... Fafnir would give his last attack, with such an attack would destroy everything in a large area ... Kobayashi had a portal to another far part of the area with Thoru ... there was only one large mushroom-shaped cloud ...

Kobayashi: I never thought to see all the power of Fafnir

Thoru: this is the first time I see him and he overwhelms me

In that there will be a portal but with a heavy atmosphere, nobody expected what would come out of that portal ... it was Destoya, badly wounded with the body of Fafnir which was already inert ...

Destoya: (drops the body) hehe was a worthy opponent

Thoru: even so ... you're badly hurt and we can beat you

Destoya: you did not even let me finish my sentence ... he was a worthy opponent ... but my first form ... (it is wrapped in a red dome) this is my next form, it is stronger than the previous one

 (it is wrapped in a red dome) This is my next form, it is stronger than the previous one

Terror spreads through the air, who will be able to stop such a monster which killed the king of necromancy ... Fafnir ...

Kobayashi-san Chi no maid dragon: "True enemy or false friend"Where stories live. Discover now